View Full Version : Area calculations using values from Different Phases

Dimitri Harvalias
2006-03-30, 12:51 AM
Situation is this. Existing building with existing spaces. Current room names (functions) will be assigned and an area schedule showing current areas created.
Some spaces will be new, others might be moved or deleted. I would like to be able to have a field in my sched so I can get the net area difference, on a room by room basis, between the phases without having to manually enter the existing area of the room.

I'm pretty sure the only option is exporting to Excel or other software to do the calculation, but I'd really like to keep it internal and automatic. Is there any way to obtain an area from one phase and use it in a calculation for a different phase?

Dimitri Harvalias
2006-03-31, 06:30 PM
No takers on this one or is the answer so obviously no that nobody figured it was worth replying?:(

2006-03-31, 06:44 PM
I can't think of any way to do it automatically.

I think your easiest way is to export out a schedule for each phase, & do it in Excel, as you said.