View Full Version : Fields for sheet references

2006-03-30, 02:53 PM
I know that it is possible to "link" a detail block to another sheet where the detail is shown (as in the architectural field) but I need to reference other sheets just in a note. Is this possible? What our notes read (in civil application) : [Sta. 45+25, 24' Lt. INSTALL 154' RCP (W). See Sheet No. XX] where I would like the xx to be the sheet number of a Storm Sewer summary sheet but have the ability to automatically update when the sheet number of the summary sheet changes. Is this possible using mtext for the note? If it has to be a block then how do you modify the note?



2006-03-30, 03:08 PM
Yes this is possible. Have you looked at the Sheet Set Manager? Your link would be a field that is provided from the Sheet Set Manager. You would still need to insert the field in the text manually, but would be linking to the information contained in the Sheet Set.


2006-03-30, 03:36 PM
Thanks for the reply. I stumbled onto the correct field just after I posted my question. I realize that we need to manually insert the fields in the notes but that is still a timesaver when we have 30 sheets of plan & profile with 10-20 different notes on each sheet and then the Engineer inserts a new sheet in position 4 in a set of 200 sheets. ARRGH!

Thanks again for the reply.