View Full Version : Release Celebration at the "Factory"

2006-03-30, 08:46 PM
Hi Everyone,

On Friday, April 7 we are having a little celebration here at the office in honor of our upcoming product releases. If you are nearby and would like to join us, please stop by at 610 Lincoln Street, Waltham, MA between 3 and 5 PM.

Harry Mattison
Autodesk Revit QA Manager

2006-03-30, 08:53 PM
Now, that, is pretty cool.

2006-03-30, 08:59 PM
Where's the Philly release party?

Oh no? My office?

2006-03-30, 09:44 PM
Thanks for the invite but I do want to miss the mail "person"!

Maybe next time!

2006-03-31, 12:10 AM
Hi Everyone,

On Friday, April 7 we are having a little celebration here at the office in honor of our upcoming product releases. If you are nearby and would like to join us, please stop by at 610 Lincoln Street, Waltham, MA between 3 and 5 PM.

Harry Mattison
Autodesk Revit QA Manager

Too bad the office wouldn't let me take a "business" trip...that sounds like fun. You should post pictures so we can see how crazy the Waltham folks really are... ;)

Scott D Davis
2006-03-31, 01:49 AM
It would be cool if the local LUGs could hold an event at the same time, and set up a video conference feed of the party in Waltham...we could all enjoy the moment together!

2006-03-31, 01:52 AM
It would be cool if the local LUGs could hold an event at the same time, and set up a video conference feed of the party in Waltham...we could all enjoy the moment together!now that is a bloody good idea... could be costly though...

2006-03-31, 10:03 AM
now that is a bloody good idea... could be costly though...
Bah! What's money but for spending! ha . . .

2006-03-31, 10:28 AM
Wow , sounds like it could be alot of fun ! Wish I could be there but alas I'm no where near.

2006-03-31, 12:24 PM
I would love to join you, but I'm not leaving sunny Florida. We should have the celebration on video. That would be fun. I can't wait for 9.

Arnel Aguel
2006-03-31, 12:36 PM
By anouncing the release date does this means people can now talk what is good and what is bad with Revit 9?

2006-03-31, 02:29 PM
Truevis slipped this link in another thread:-

Just a teaser, but now the tension is building . . . I am getting a bit keen to have a play now.