View Full Version : E-spec Web Demo Feedback & Video Link (NOW POSTED)

Scott D Davis
2004-05-06, 02:42 AM
There were about 30 people at the Web Demo today, great turn out!

So were you there? What did you think?

I will be posting the link to the recorded version of the demo as soon as I get it from InterSpec. The Web Demo's audio and video was recorded so that you can either see it again, or check it out if you were unable to earlier!

Here's the link to the recorded version:


NOTE: There is no password necessary, simply enter your name at the login box, and leave 'password' blank. After choosing the media format, you will hear the conference center connecting for audio, Then the presentation will begin. (approx 45 seconds on the timer)

The presentation lasts just under 60 minutes.

2004-05-06, 03:13 AM

Thanks for setting the web demo up. It was very interesting and I'm curious to see how it develops down the road. I just purchased Speclink and will finish my subscription out and then re-visit espec. Thanks again and curious to hear others comments as well.


Henry D
2004-05-06, 03:39 AM
On listening to this E-Spec demo, I could see that this only the beginning of applications like this that make use of Revit's BIM capabilities... structural, mechanical, etc.. it's a great time to be in this business.

One question which I didn't get a chance to ask that you may know...
how does E-Specs work with Keynotes...is there a way to have the tags in the drawing be bi-directionally connected with the specs? When an element is tagged, it is keyed to the spec section.

Scott D Davis
2004-05-06, 04:18 AM
A question was asked about having 'tagged' elements provide input to the specs. If I remeber the answer, it was that it's a future item for E-specs. This capability will become more viable when some sort of API is made available.

Also with a future Revit API, programs like E-spec could be bi-directional. We could see the capability to change the spec, and the model would update!

Marek Brandstatter
2004-05-06, 05:32 AM
Also with a future Revit API, programs like E-spec could be bi-directional. We could see the capability to change the spec, and the model would update!

I firmly believe that an API should be top on the factory's priority list - as it opens up a gazillion opportunities. Indications are unfortuneately that this is not the case :(

Taylor A
2004-05-06, 06:33 AM
I was impressed. I use a New Zealand version of Master Spec. I would like to know if the USA version of Master Spec is similar. I will be sending the link to my supplier of Master Spec to have a look at. I particularly like the interactive collaboration idea of e-spec.

David Sammons
2004-05-06, 10:31 AM

Thanks for arranging this presentation...it was very interesting.

Do you know if E-Spec offers a demo version?

Dave S.

2004-05-06, 01:37 PM
I echo the thanks to Scott for setting this up.

I was more impresed by it than I thought I would be. We have SpecLink now, but few in the office really know how to use it. It follows the mantra that more complex is better, even if you don't use 90% of it. E-Spec seems much more user-friendly. Even if you leave out the coordination with the Revit model and do it manually, I still might prefer it to SpecLink.

I'd be interested in any demo that's available. Does anyone know if they use a reseller network? Can I expect my local Revit people to know anything about this?

Steve Jager
2004-05-06, 02:00 PM
Thanks for setting up th edemo Scott. It was very interesting to see such a new product for Revit. It justs cements my continued excitement for Revit.

Scott D Davis
2004-05-06, 03:25 PM
Indications are unfortuneately that this is not the case :(

From some things mentioned in the demo yesterday, it could be here sooner than you think.....

2004-05-07, 09:13 AM
A question was asked about having 'tagged' elements provide input to the specs

Although not with this program this is possible now. Just use a shared/project parameter and it'll export via ODBC. Then your ODBC program just triggers on this parameter :-)


Dimitri Harvalias
2004-05-07, 04:51 PM
thanks for setting this up and a special thank you for arranging to have it recorded. I had set the time aside but, as usual, something came up and I couldn't get away. Now I can sit at home on Friday night and watch the recording. Ahh, the life of a married Revit guy :wink:

2004-05-07, 05:02 PM
Did we ever get an idea of pricing for this?

Scott D Davis
2004-05-07, 05:33 PM
Some pricing was given at the end of the video, I did some screen captures with the info for you.

Probably should post these with a disclaimer that these were from the presentation, and state 'introductory' pricing specials. No gurantee how long the sale will be.


