View Full Version : Scheduling misc objects.

2006-04-01, 04:00 PM

Situation : A big property with 4-5 buildings. I make some lines (each different style name) showing electricity and water supplies and drainage. These lines go from one building to the other and then outside of the property.
I would like to make a schedule of each line type.
I want to use 2 params. Line style and length. Then I want to add all lengths for each style.
This way I will know that :
1. I will need nnn meters of each cable or duct or ... whatever.
2. I will have to dig nnn meters of nnXmm cross section so nnn m3 of ground will be gone.
3. The costs of the above
4. The time needed.

As you can see it is important.
I can't see a way of scheduling lines. Is there any other easy way? I would prefer not to make everything from the begining

2006-04-01, 04:17 PM
What methods have you tried so far? What is the terrain like? I might try using a wall that is the depth and width of the trench. That would give me the length and volume. I'm not sure about scheduling the time factor. I suppose you could factor in an amount of time per meter. Doesn't sound impossible.


2006-04-01, 04:49 PM
No, I don't want to schedule the time, I was just numbering some benefit results I could have.
All I want to have is a schedule of lines, like we schedule doors.
The terrain is not a problem, it's almost flat. Anyway, I am not looking for a 100% correct result, I want to be able to calculate time, personel, equipment. Just want the lines scheduled.

2006-04-02, 06:01 AM
I don't think you can schedule lines. Could you use different beam or railing families to achieve what you're after?

2006-04-02, 07:25 PM
Yes, I can use other objects, I just had the lines ready. Well, I guess I have to make it all from the start...

2006-04-02, 09:38 PM
Yes, I can use other objects, I just had the lines ready. Well, I guess I have to make it all from the start...Try: Copy the lines to your railing sketch. Make a railing that is just your wire or whatever.

2006-04-03, 03:39 PM
Or use the pick lines tool.....hit tab first and then select the lines and you're done. You wouldn't really need to "do it from scratch" if your lines are properly drawn.