View Full Version : Light fittings - multiple instance families

2004-05-06, 03:22 PM
I have just had some success with making nested light fittings so that a room with an array of 3 x 3 spotlights has them placed as one item.

Should these then schedule as 1 array or can I get the schedule to show the 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16 20, 25....individual fittings?

If people are interested in the families I will post later, they just need some more tweaking to make them even smarter.

2004-05-06, 10:01 PM
Here they are. The individual types are adjustable by instance and have a room frame, acting as a shape handle, that you can tab to in order to stretch them to fit the space you want to fill out, they also have a centre mark.

If you need real accuracy then the room dimensions can be entered via the properties or you can align and lock the frame as needed.

The individual fittings will not schedule, but I have added a 'Number of fittings' column to a schedule and enter the relevant numbers in this. It was quick and gave me the information I needed.

2004-05-06, 10:03 PM
and the last

2004-05-06, 10:06 PM
Nice work PJ. Thanks for those.

2007-08-05, 01:06 PM
hey thanx alot.. although i have aquick question , i loaded a spotlight family into another spotlight family to creat a lighting fixture that lights in two different directions , the thing is i controled the direction of each light through the spot light tilt parameter, and when i load my new family into a project, the parameter for the first family loaded in the final family doesnt work and only one of the lights light correctly .. does anyone know how to control the parameter of both nested spotlights in the project .. thanx in advance

Mr Spot
2007-08-06, 12:45 AM
hey thanx alot.. although i have aquick question , i loaded a spotlight family into another spotlight family to creat a lighting fixture that lights in two different directions , the thing is i controled the direction of each light through the spot light tilt parameter, and when i load my new family into a project, the parameter for the first family loaded in the final family doesnt work and only one of the lights light correctly .. does anyone know how to control the parameter of both nested spotlights in the project .. thanx in advance
Sounds like you haven't linked that parameter to one in the host family.

It the host light family select the nested light, go to its properties edit/new and select the square button just to the right of the actual value. This will then bring you into your list of parameters of the host file to select what you want to link it to.