View Full Version : A NEW BEGINNING........

2004-05-07, 12:20 AM

Many of you may have already heard about the upcoming “All New” Revit Community at AUGI.com. We have also discussed the transition of RUGI.org to AUGI. Well, I think now is the time to tell you about the third piece of the puzzle. I am proud to announce that we are going to merge the ZoogDesign Forums with the new AUGI.com Revit Community Forums. I have carefully weighed the pros and cons of such a move, and in the end, I felt that this was best for the Revit community. I’m sure many of you will have questions; I will try to answer some here.

Ok, I’ll start with the big one: “Zoog, WHY, why would you do this?”
Here are the top three reasons:

Our little forum has been growing at a tremendous pace, so fast that my cable modem connection is becoming more and more of a bottle neck. This really isn’t acceptable for the premier international Revit resource. It is time for us to step up to a real server on a real connection; the Revit Community at AUGI.com is just such a place.

This transition, like the RUGI-AUGI transition, was designed to bring the far-flung Revit resources around the net into a robust “single resource” for all of your Revit needs. (See below for the many benefits of the new AUGI.com site.)

Finally, I feel a great Revit resource like this should not have my name on it, or anyone else’s for that matter. Zoogdesign.com is really not a proper domain to host this forum.
“I didn’t like the AUGI.com forums; can we make them more like Zoog?”
The answer, I am proud to say, is an emphatic YES!!! We have worked with AUGI to implement a new, state of the art, forum software. I think you will find the new feature set, as well as the look and feel, to be superior to what the AUGI forums used to be, and even better than we have now.

What about my freedom of speech? I like Zoogdesign.com because it is very lightly moderated. Will I be allowed to speak my mind in the new forums?
Yes, we have worked hard with the Revit Community team and AUGI staff to come to an agreement that we will maintain our ability to speak our mind about topics good, bad, or indifferent. We only request that you back up your opinions with examples or facts. The moderators will continue to use a light hand. You will also be pleased to know that the same moderators you know and love will be moderators at the new site; we are bringing the whole staff over.

It is also worth noting that AUGI is not a “mouthpiece” for Autodesk. It’s an independent user group operated by volunteers with no Autodesk affiliations. Autodesk does contribute funds to AUGI’s running costs, but that is a marketing expense for Autodesk, not an operational exercise.

What will happen to the thousands of existing topics and tens of thousands of posts?
All of the existing data, including attachments, from the ZoogDesign site will be copied to the new Revit Community Forums. This database is an invaluable resource to the Revit community; just tossing it away was never an option.

What will happen to the wishlist?
Our list is the only user based Revit wishlist any where in the world, naturally it will follow us there.

What will happen to my member name and password?
Each of you will receive an email explaining exactly what needs to happen for a smooth transition soon. Please read it and follow the instructions it contains,

What about my private messages?
Private messages will come along too. The new forums have a more powerful private messaging system. Just to be safe, I suggest you copy and paste any messages you wish to keep. I will let everyone know well before any messages get deleted.

When will all of this occur?
Currently we are looking at a mid-May launch date.

Believe it or not, just two days after I started these forums, I was contacted by Jim Balding (AUGI Revit Product Chair), and asked to help out with the new Revit Community at AUGI.com. It has taken a very long time to get to this point, but the end product will be worth it. I hope you will join us in continuing the spirit of Revit community at the new site.

Why should I join AUGI.com?
Here are a few of the new features you will have at AUGI.com
Revit Forums – A first rate forum site, as good perhaps better than what we have at Zoogdesign.
Revit Exchange – A fully searchable database file exchange system to share your families, patterns, templates, backgrounds, you name it.
Revit Gallery – A new customized gallery to display your latest work
Revit Tips and Tricks – As well as the existing threads we are researching a specialized tips and tricks area
Revit Links – Vital links like Cadalyst, AIA, Autodesk Press and Revit FAQ’s, etc.
Direct connections to other Autodesk product information and Communities
Local User Groups
High speed connections – Need I say more?
Now for the best news of all, I am not going anywhere!!! I have volunteered (or been recruited) to be the Revit Community Forums administrator. My role in the best Revit Forums in the world has not changed, just the location. That’s it, if you have any questions or concerns, post ‘em up!

Here’s to a “New Beginning” –

Christopher Zoog

Dean Camlin
2004-05-07, 12:46 AM
I'll look forward to seeing everybody on "the Other Side."

Scott Hopkins
2004-05-07, 12:56 AM

Didn't see that one coming. Just had a flashback from when AutoDesk bought out Revit. I am excited about the new AGUI forum but also a little sad to see the Zoog Forum go. I’m glad to hear that you will not be using the previous AUGI forum format because frankly it was just awful. I can't say that I am looking forward to having a bunch of GIF advertisements flashing at me on the AUGI site but I guess I don't have any choice in the matter.

A few questions for you Chris...

Will the new site have similar avatar features?

Will we retain the same number of post attributed to our accounts? I don't want to lose the bragging rights of being a "Mega Poster" :wink:

Have measures been taken to prevent a worm or bug from wiping out the entire AUGI forum (as recently happened)?

Scott D Davis
2004-05-07, 01:00 AM
aw shucks!

the same moderators you know and love

I'm getting a warm, fuzzy feeling...... :puffy: :wink:

Let me be the first to say, that this is going to be AWESOME! We've been privy to a sneak preview of some of the new stuff, and you guys and girls are gonna love it!

It's honestly going to be very similar to what we are all used to here, with some new and improved stuff, and a different address!

So spread the word, wait for the e-mail regarding your login info, and get yourself on board as soon as you can!

Here's to Zoog for having the vision in the first place to create this place for us a year ago, and for continuing to keep our best interest at heart. :beer:

2004-05-07, 01:14 AM
Will the new site have similar avatar features?

Yes it will have the same avatar features, plus an option for a photo profile, and the option to "fly" your national flag under your avatar. Your current avatar settings will transfer over.

Will we retain the same number of post attributed to our accounts? I don't want to lose the bragging rights of being a "Mega Poster" :wink:
Yes, you will have the same post count, Mr. Mega Poster ;)

Have measures been taken to prevent a worm or bug from wiping out the entire AUGI forum (as recently happened)?

Yes, you don't get burned like that and not learn a lesson or too. The new forums will have a entirely new secure database. Our stuff will be the first data in it. :)

Also, if I remember correctly, the old augi forums did not have the small ad's, only on the normal pages, I see no reason why this would be any different.

Scott Hopkins
2004-05-07, 01:32 AM

Reading back my post it sounded as if I was a little sour. (Maybe this is somehow the result of the influence of my new avatar) Nothing could be farther from the truth. Just wanted to say that I really appreciate all of your efforts and the rest of the Zoog staff in creating the ultimate Revit forum. The one year run of the Zoog Forum has been great and I am looking forward to what the Augi Forums bring. :D

2004-05-07, 02:05 AM
I am glad you are all looking forward to it. There are going to be some great advances in the community. The forums will be slightly better, but the exchange, gallery and other features will kick booty over what we are used to on other sites.

Wes Macaulay
2004-05-07, 02:42 AM
Well Chris, it will take some time to get used to the new home... kinda sad to see the old place go... but at the same time... I can't believe we haven't blown up your internet connection yet :shock:

I am glad that all the good people with whom we discuss great software will be all heading over to PropellerHead Land.

So if we go over to AUGI, does that mean we have to talk about LISP? :lol:

PS: Chris -- I forgot to say THANKS for taking the time to build this forum. Did you ever think it would get this big?

2004-05-07, 02:50 AM
Have measures been taken to prevent a worm or bug from wiping out the entire AUGI forum (as recently happened)?

Yes ( not surprisingly ). Its a Linux based server now. :wink:

2004-05-07, 03:03 AM
On the eve of this "new beginnings", I add my appreciation of this uniquely important site. Upon first visit here, I was delighted at how well this works, technically. clean, logical, powerful. Then after reading and using this resource, I was and continue to be, thankful for the competance, integity, and just plain usefulness of the contributers. It can not be said enough: Thank you to all who have worked so hard.

OK, so I seldom embrace change--unless it is for the better. But I extend my confidence and trust to the end that the same integrity and competance will bring us a better forum and more. I look forward to a continuing forum philosophy free of the distraction of someone's commercial message, no matter how small, or of indulgent harangue--unless it is good harangue. May the joy of enlightenment and sharing continue.

2004-05-07, 04:36 AM
As many of you know, I was "hired" as the Wishlist Manager for ZDBB a while back. The idea behind the new wishlist is that it will become a more formalized system for entering, tracking and prioritizing wishes. It is my hope that the wishlist will become a direct pipeline into the factory. To that end, I am seeking php/mysql-based plug-ins for the new site which will allow for some sort of submitting, prioritizing, searching, sorting and resolving of wishes. I think of it as a sort of issue tracking database, but instead of issues, we will be tracking wishes! In the same sense that an issue can be resolved, a wish can be granted. If you are familiar with Remedy products, you know what I am talking about. In short, I am looking for any sort of plug-ins that may be available to modify for this purpose. So if you have any ideas, please point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance, and I look forward to seeing you all over in AUGI-land!


Dimitri Harvalias
2004-05-07, 06:25 AM
Even if it's just as good (or better) I still think Zoog just sounds way cooler :)
I'm with David and I'm trusting that Chris would only do this if he was able to treat this move as any parent treats a child as it grows up. No matter how far your kids move away from home, no matter who else influences their lives, you can still be proud of what you accomplished and will always have the right to say "that's my baby!"
Looking forward to whatever the change might bring and looking back with thanks and appreciation to all those involved but mostly to Chris for taking the initiative in the beginning. Well done.

2004-05-07, 06:34 AM
So if we go over to AUGI, does that mean we have to talk about LISP? :lol:

Only if you want a Propellerheadache

Martin P
2004-05-07, 07:17 AM
Chris, I think you have made the best decision based on your 3 points, look forward to the new forum :D Its better to have everyone under the same roof, especially with things like the wishlist..... but I'm glad to be one of the ones who can say I was an early Zoogdesign member.

Les Therrien
2004-05-07, 01:20 PM

Thanks for taking care of us all in the past and now the future.
I am sure you'll never know how many people you've helped by creating this site. The number of people registered to the site is just a small example I am sure!

Kudos to a great job!

p.s. did I ever tell you that "Zoog" was/is in the running for a first or middle name for my baby boy that is due May 22nd!?
It's a really cool name. Is it Dutch?

2004-05-07, 01:50 PM
Yes, thanks Chris for starting this LIFE SAVER :beer:

Zoogdesign and the alt.cad.revit before it were a invaluable resource in helping me make the switch from ADT

I've never seen software, much less one that people use to do their job have such a tight knit group so eager to spread the good word :D

I'm looking forward to the family files on the new site :)

It's been a great ride...now time for the next step on the way to Revit nirvana 8)

2004-05-07, 01:57 PM
A bit of a thunderbolt but probably not surprising after reading this forum. All I can and want to say is thankyou zoog above all else. I have laearnt so much from the many contributers.

Also a big thankyou for the consistant and patient efforts of the moderators. You can be proud of the way thatryou have let this forum run. That above all else has been a great contribution to the site's success.

Zoog there was something quite personal about this site - some would say it had a vry "home like" feel. I am going to miss that.

2004-05-07, 04:50 PM
When/how will we be notified once it's online so we can sign up?
See you @ the mosh on the other side


Andre Baros
2004-05-07, 09:07 PM
Thanks for bringing us this far, thanks in advance for taking this community even further.

This is the only site I use that isn't NTTP... because I usually sync my newsgroups and read them on the train home... but I make time every day for the Zoog forum because it's a special place. Thank you.

I love progress and as long as things are changing this would be a great time to add an NTTP side to the forum... if it's not a drag. :lol:

2004-05-08, 01:01 AM

I don't know how to reply directly to your post so I am just adding one.

It is GREAT that you are looking for "php/mysql-based plug-ins for the new site which will allow for some sort of submitting, prioritizing, searching, sorting and resolving of wishes".

It it helps...you are not limited to php-based solutions. The new "home" of the Zoog Forums runs both a Unix/Linux server (Redhat) and a Windows server. The database server is (as you guessed) MySQL -- but if you should find a good plug-in that requires MSSQL, let's talk.

- Dick

2004-05-08, 01:09 AM
Thanks for the clarification rb. SDavis, did you catch that?

(SD - Si, senor!)

2004-05-08, 01:31 AM
I was fortunate to witness the first beginning, in which Zoog set the benchmark that the world found and followed. Thanks, Chris. Best of luck on your continued success.

2004-05-09, 09:02 AM
This looks interesting, maybe there will come a wiki from all of this? Several things - like the "exchange forum" - seems to be down, maybe a wiki section could pop up somewhere? *holding thumbs*

*there* Joined augi.


2004-05-09, 03:46 PM
Mawi -

There is no exchange forum, the Revit Exchange will be an area where you can post families, jpgs, templates etc. It will be searchable, by any number of categories.

2004-05-11, 11:36 AM
Thanks Chris for all your hard work and to everyone else for making this the coolest Revit site on the planet. I'll miss it, but I look forward to seeing (I mean reading) you all at AUGI.


2004-05-12, 07:47 PM
True . . . 8)

2004-05-17, 02:25 AM
Chris Zoog....

Well only you and the Moderators know how much work and technical capacity is involved in maintaining this amazing forum, and the costs ( in the wider context).

I must say I am quite apprehensive about the move because :

Augi has always been a poor resource, and far too organised as a marketing exercise for AutoDesk.

Unfortunately, Augi like so many other Bulletin Boards around the world and the alt.revit group before it, was / has been mainly populated by mostly male users who use a loose grip on the English language, maintain a sharp interest in rhetoric and most often, communicate about whose this is better than whose that. ( you and yours not included here of course !!)

In direct contrast to this, the zoogdesign revit forum is populated by very enthusiastic, articulate and incredibly helpful members, who take the time to really make a big difference to the individual and collective knoweldge.

They do this without feeling the need to be egotistical or resorting to rhetoric, and are very generous.

Similarly, the layout and structure of this amazing resource is a pleasure to use, whereas the Augi layout seems to pay homage to the "as usual" standard BB even if, it's layout is not unlike an ill fated Revit web site of 2002 which never got going.

I appreciate you sound positive about all this and the effort of maintaining this site must take a toll , so I hope nothing is lost in the transition.

I suppose this means that all those users ( who talk in gibberish and about whose got the best video card) who populate the normal BBs will become members here, so I am hoping that the critical mass of the existing forum, will have an unreserved and immediate impact upon the language and communication style they currently use, otherwise, the high quality of communication modus practiced and maintained here, will deteriorate into your normal BB identical to that of the AutoCAD LT forums for instance.
Boo hoo
Long Live Zoog Design


2004-05-17, 03:05 AM

I believe I can speak for all of the moderators and Chris when I say that we are committed to continuing a "good thing", just from a new home. The new forums look very good and I'm looking forward to seeing them come "online" soon.

As for the quality of users, as long as folks like yourself keep showing up, contributing and even just lurking...we will be fine!