View Full Version : Is there a way to flip a block with text and also have the justification flip...

2006-04-05, 05:51 PM
I was wondering if there was a way to flip a block with text and also have the justification flip as well.

2006-04-05, 06:05 PM
I was wondering if there was a way to flip a block with text and also have the justification flip as well.

Text justification? OOOH. I don't know about that... I think it would also depend on the block insertion, text type, (whether or not it is an attribute) etc. I think you can add a rotate parameter/action, set around the text (assuming the text is mid/center justified...)

I don't have that much information for you there... perhaps the moderators would know more about it.

2006-04-05, 09:27 PM
I was wondering if there was a way to flip a block with text and also have the justification flip as well.Hi John

Please note I have *split* your above post from thread "Dynamic Block Tips & Tricks (Techniques)", into its very own thread.

Plus, I have *moved* this newly created thread, from the AutoCAD Tips & Tricks (http://forums.augi.com/forumdisplay.php?f=180) forum to this one ( AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks (http://forums.augi.com/forumdisplay.php?f=198) ).

Thanks, Mike

Forum Moderator

2006-04-06, 02:23 PM
I was wondering if there was a way to flip a block with text and also have the justification flip as well.
No special technique required. Just make the block with text into a dynamic block by adding a "flip" parameter. Block will mirror itself and any text string added and the justification will flip automatically as well. Check out the sharing thread for soem examples. There's lots to wade through. ;)

Jordan Truesdell
2006-04-06, 09:57 PM
You would think it would work, but it's not really coming out right (sorry to barge in, but I put John up to trying this out - neither of us have much experience with dynamic blocks)

Anyway, if you flip the block, then edit the attribute text, you find that the text is still (reverse) justified, so anything other than the original text length is wrong.

However, if you edit the attribute text, then flip the block, the justification is wrong, but it _looks_ right.

I know this may be semantic, but I'd really like the process to work, not just the ink-on-paper. This is critical as we reuse a lot of details, and having to flip and flip back to edit text just seems a bit silly.

I've attached a file with the block inserted and edited/flipped the various ways.

2006-04-07, 01:40 PM
You would think it would work, but it's not really coming out right (sorry to barge in, but I put John up to trying this out - neither of us have much experience with dynamic blocks)

Anyway, if you flip the block, then edit the attribute text, you find that the text is still (reverse) justified, so anything other than the original text length is wrong.

However, if you edit the attribute text, then flip the block, the justification is wrong, but it _looks_ right.

I know this may be semantic, but I'd really like the process to work, not just the ink-on-paper. This is critical as we reuse a lot of details, and having to flip and flip back to edit text just seems a bit silly.

I've attached a file with the block inserted and edited/flipped the various ways.
I think your discovery is correct. You have to edit the attribute BEFORE you flip. Otherwise, the text string will not be justified correct. Try this too: if that happens, just "reset block" and flip again. should be justified correctly as well.

I have ran into this problem before and I think it's just a quirk of Dynamic Blocks. Also, try playing around with the locking position switch. I'm not sure that it will matter, but it proved to be the difference in another block for me.

2006-04-07, 01:41 PM
You would think it would work, but it's not really coming out right (sorry to barge in, but I put John up to trying this out - neither of us have much experience with dynamic blocks)

Anyway, if you flip the block, then edit the attribute text, you find that the text is still (reverse) justified, so anything other than the original text length is wrong.

However, if you edit the attribute text, then flip the block, the justification is wrong, but it _looks_ right.

I know this may be semantic, but I'd really like the process to work, not just the ink-on-paper. This is critical as we reuse a lot of details, and having to flip and flip back to edit text just seems a bit silly.

I've attached a file with the block inserted and edited/flipped the various ways.
Also, when you flip, your stretch arrow is not working properly. Don't forget to include the linear parameter and the stretch icon (blue arrow) in the flip. DO NOT include the stretch action, though.