View Full Version : Stair / Floor interface

2006-04-06, 02:19 PM
I have a section view showing the interface of a stair and floor slabs.
It seems abnormal as something seem missing.
pls refer to the attached picture to get details.

2007-02-23, 01:13 PM
There seems a deafly silence on this Thread.

I have the tried various methods with the modelling but with different levels of success and never completely satisfactory.
I have tried to use a monolithic in situ concrete stair, but there is no provision for :-

25mm thick thread finish,
20mm thick riser finish,
50mm thick half landing finish,
100mm thick ground floor finish &
75mm thick first floor finish.

All this must be modelled and not just drafted with detail lines.

Has any one accomplished this yet.

Its about time this was available from the Revit metric library with all these parameters.

Hope this subject doesn't remain silent........autodesk please listen and answer.

Tom Weir
2007-02-23, 03:04 PM
You are right that the stair interfaces do not seem to model correctly. I usually have to fake it in with filled regions on my details. Another way to get it exactly right is to create a solid extrusion for the stair with the exact profile you want to use.

Have a great day...

Tom Weir
Los Angeles

2007-02-23, 09:43 PM
For the bottom part: make the slab run under the stair. The stair will "sit" on it.
For the top part: I used to use generic families to complete the stairs and then some linework. It is a drag and I do not recommend it. Use filled regions.

2007-02-25, 08:12 PM
This all seems bit of a bad workaround so when you colaberate your model with others as links all this silly drafting is unseen.

Why not just make the standard monolithic concrete .....monolithic.... yes..... with the slab!!!! and make this stair family in the library correct in the first place!!!!!! Then the rest of us poor revit users don't have to create some sort of bad silly workaround. Just a little bit more thought please.

Cheuk Ling
2007-02-26, 02:06 PM
[QUOTE=radu.grosu]For the bottom part: make the slab run under the stair. The stair will "sit" on it.

Extending the slab is not correct as the stair is spanning on the slab rather than
sitting on it. So the waist has to extend and somehow joined with the floor slab.
(see attached picture for details)

I just want to express my support on what Terry has called for
Adesk to make significant improvement on Stair modelling in RST .
Tricks and workarounds sometimes make the original problem fade out.

Tom Weir
2007-02-26, 03:25 PM
I am in complete agreement with you guys about wanting a better monlithic stair connection at each end. The underside needs to extend to the slab. Perhaps they could make it something like the "Edit Wall Joins" function that would show different configurations then let you choose one.


2007-02-26, 03:47 PM
Extending the slab is not correct as the stair is spanning on the slab rather than
sitting on it. So the waist has to extend and somehow joined with the floor slab.

I did not imply I was suggesting the correct thing. Just a workaround that was somewhat acceptable to me.
I do not suggest waiting for Autodesk. I have this feeling it's not going to get better soon enough. Just recall that "monolithic" stairs have been this way for 9 versions!

Cheuk Ling
2007-02-27, 07:06 AM
Sorry for misunderstanding your intention.
But I'm just aiming at pointing out that it's not really easy to
solve the problem if one does not only satisfy with correct 2d outcome.
I found that it's rather easy to get the desired result for the bottom side
by adjusting this parameter (see pic) to suit the floor slab thickness.
But no such thing for the Top end.

Tom Weir
2007-02-28, 03:28 PM
The "extend below base" parmeter is for the upper or lower part of the stair? Can you post a section for us


Tom Weir
Los Angeles

Cheuk Ling
2007-03-01, 01:49 PM

It's used to control the bottom end.
Attached two pictures showing the different results
for different parameter values.


Tom Weir
2007-03-01, 08:41 PM
Thanks Cheuk,
I see what you mean now. You could extend the slab below the stair, or make that parameter equal to the depth of the slab.
But we still have no way to adequately fix the top of the stair. We need some help Revit Developers!

Have a great day...


Dave F.
2007-03-27, 05:10 PM

It's used to control the bottom end.
Attached two pictures showing the different results
for different parameter values.


I agree with all. This is very frustrating.
All the demos I've seen for stairs always have them floating in space. V. convenient!

Would adding a down-stand slab edge profile work for the upper slabs?

2007-05-14, 02:45 AM
I'm with you guys on this. I use Revit Architecture (2008 now) and it's the same way. This is really a nasty Revit quirk since the elements are the same monolithic material, but we have to make some dirty work-around to mask over the nasty Revit joints. Autodesk is so close, just allow the stair and the slab to join. Such a simple concept. We can join beams and columns, etc, to the slab and it works great. Just add the stair, please! Let us join the [monolithic] stair to the structure! Thanks!
