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2004-05-07, 10:35 PM
Just a quick sketch of some stairs for our new office....

Scott D Davis
2004-05-07, 10:41 PM
Nice Aaron! You are gonna give Phil a run for his money as stair master!

Have any rendered views?

Scott Hopkins
2004-05-07, 10:46 PM

Beautiful stairway! How has it gone using Revit to coordinate the stair design with your structural engineer? Are you finding that there are a lot of coordination efficiencies using Revit? Is your structural engineer on Revit? Do you do your structural design in house?

2004-05-07, 11:43 PM
We'll be doing this project Design/Build and fast track. The one designer (boss) wanted to do two W steel stringers as the building has much old exposed structure. I did a quick sketch of what he wanted then designed an alternate with a single invered T as a suport for a lighter look. Also changed the risers to glass in place of the metal mesh risers.

We were able to show the structural engineer the sketch and he was able to quickly determine that the inverted T wouldn't have the moment connection to the treads and that he would need a tube for the main stringers. The stringers are attached only at one wall and then the bottom of the landing. The landings will be supported from brackets attached to 14" deep heavy timber members.

I think the 3D images helped communicate our intent much faster and develop a comfort level with structural.

Total time: 10-12 hrs.

Richard McCarthy
2004-05-08, 03:22 AM
Wow Aaron! it's fantastic!
How did you do it? Any chance of sharing the stair for us to take a peek at it? :D