View Full Version : Linked Dwg/Dxf to Ipt Iile

2006-04-09, 05:56 AM
Summary: To be able to save a sheet metal part to a dwg/dxf file and have that file linked to the Inventor ipt file. This could be done directly from the browser.

Description: I want to be able to save a dwg/dxf file of a sheetmetal part and have it linked to the ipt file

How Used: You RMB on Flat Pattern in the browser and select "save copy as" You then would have an option tab that would have some default settings, like whether or not you wanted to link the ipt file to the dwg/dxf file. If you did want to link it then you would have a few options for lines you wanted to export. For example just the perimeter and the holes. And then this part would be sent to your laser machine for cutting, and would update each time you changed the ipt file.

Feature Affinity: DWG

Submitted By: Troy Grose on April 6, 2006

Teun Ham
2006-04-11, 02:27 PM
You have got my vote...or did I get your vote? :-)

Associated DXF Files (http://discussion.autodesk.com/thread.jspa?messageID=5003706)

Thanks for logging this wish Troy!

2006-04-12, 09:33 PM
We are trying to do similar tasks since we also output Inventor file types to formats compatable with laser machining centers.