View Full Version : dimension leaders

2006-04-09, 10:52 PM
is there any way to get rid of the dimension leader so i can align the text in a dimension string on a continuous line instead of having the text raised above with a leader? i would like the dimension to extend the line when the text dosnt fit between dim ticks

2006-04-09, 11:39 PM
Could you post? I'm not understanding fully.


2006-04-09, 11:57 PM
this picture is much more clear

2006-04-10, 12:12 AM
Why don't use dimensions without leaders?

You can turn off the leader by clearing the Leader check box option from the Options Bar.

Does that help...

2006-04-10, 12:28 AM
Why don't use dimensions without leaders?

You can turn off the leader by clearing the Leader check box option from the Options Bar.

Does that help...

well i already turned off the leader in that view, the way i do the dimensions at work is like i show in the picture with green line. is there any way of doing that in revit?

Scott D Davis
2006-04-10, 12:44 AM
You can pull the dim text out with the leader and get a "straight" extension line by lining up the leader, but the text will be at the end of the leader, not on top of it as in your example.

2006-04-10, 12:51 AM
well i already turned off the leader in that view, the way i do the dimensions at work is like i show in the picture with green line. is there any way of doing that in revit?Well there is but it will affect all dimensions of that style. What I'd do is to duplicate your current dimension style, given to new one a suitable name. Edit the "dimension line extension" in the type properties area (settings>annotations>dimensions>linear)

refer attached screenshot - is the red circled area something you want?

2006-04-10, 02:26 AM
ya, i really only want the longer extensions where i have a small dimension and i have pulled it to the side.. i guess the only way to do this is by drawing a detailing line, i guess thats kinda how i do it in autocad too.. but cad does have an option to make the lines extend when you pull the number over.. i was hoping revit did too, maybe in release 9.. cant wait for that to come out!

2006-04-11, 01:28 AM
but cad does have an option to make the lines extend when you pull the number over
I missed this little AutoCAD Dimtext position > Move with dimline option just as you did. Finally decided that as much as I personally liked it, none of our users could agree on which looked best and what the default should be anyway. As an old-school purist, I happen to like your preferred method also.

We had (have?) camps for above the dimension line, centered on the dimension line, moving with a leader, moving without a leader, and finally the camp that wanted each instance managed individually so the text would be above the line between the tick marks when it fit and the leader centered on the text when it did not.

As part of the Revit migration (rather than try and accommodate a bunch of users who were never going to agree anyway) I left everything the way it was OOTB and quoted one of our Studio Directors. "It is what it is." Does not help win popularity contests but certainly makes life easier.