View Full Version : Manage Links needs to show which are current

Scott D Davis
2006-04-11, 02:52 AM
Upon opening a file, often we get a warning dialog box that says "Revit cannot locate the following linked files. ther last known occurance will be used instead." Nice, thats cool, thanks for the warning.

Now I go to the Manage Links dialog box, and I can't tell which ones are loaded with the current version, and which ones are loaded with the last previous version. Would be really nice to see in the dialog box, the difference between them.

2006-04-11, 05:23 AM
When you get that error it means that the file is not loaded so no check box in the Loaded column. The way the file looked previously is what will be displayed. Am I missing something?

Scott D Davis
2006-04-11, 03:24 PM
or I'm missing something? I get the error, then go to Manage Links, and all the "loaded' check boxes are marked off, even if the warning said they could not be found. That's my gripe, there's no way to tell??? See Attached images: