View Full Version : ridge capping?

2006-04-11, 03:53 AM
Does anyone use ridge capping in their buildings? i have made a host sweep of the profile i want, and it attaches, but the only problem is where each of the ridges meet causes the capping to form a big cluster and not join correctly. Is there a way to join it up neatly? and join geometry doesn't work.

Gadget Man
2006-04-11, 05:42 AM
Now, that depends how accurate you really want it to be (i.e. what scale or magnification you will use on this particular spot).

I use "fascia" roof capping, using a simple circular profile (it is only symbolic anyway, isn't it?) and when two or three of them meet together, I usually let it go (picture 2 & 3). On the other hand, in some instances, when eight of them meet (i.e. over a Rotunda roof), and they really produce an ugly, big lump, I simply zoom on the apex and manually separate them all by 1mm (physically drag the ends of them apart). You can't tell the difference (not at the scale 1:100 or 1:25 anyway) and they clean up much better... (see picture 4 & 5)

Now, I understand that this is only quick and rough solution, but how more accurate do you want it to be and how important it really is? For me it's enough and for my Clients it is more than they need anyway...