View Full Version : Training the office....

2004-05-12, 03:08 PM
A conversation between myself and another in our office...

"shasha says:
i found a sink and a toilet to use...but i am failing miserably getting them into the floorplan...they won't copy in because it says cannot copy between families and projects

"part of the process" says:
drag/drop from windows to project

shasha says:
r u you kidding me?

shasha says:
christ this is so straight foward...it is confusing"

2004-05-12, 05:16 PM
As we train more team members, I also am starting to get the sense that Revit's workflow and interface may be too simple for its own good. :?

New mantra: "Keep it simple...but not too simple."

2004-05-12, 05:49 PM
Had a summer intern start here this week.

The guy he's working for needed a floor plan of a few mechanical rooms, showing equipment footprints.

I asked the kid what kind of cad experience he had. He said he used acad in the previous summer job.

He started with acad. In 10 minutes was frustrated.

I had him start up revit, open a drafting view, go to the drafting tab, and then showed him the detail line tool & a few methods. (10 min. training max.)

Turned him loose. In a little over an hour he had done the first one.

Had to give him a quick text usage lesson, & how to set up a sheet & print. (about 5 min.)

Now he's done about 6 sketches on his own. All in one day.

(I did tell him his next step was to run the tutorials)

Scott D Davis
2004-05-12, 06:14 PM
New mantra: "Keep it simple...but not too simple."

upon reading your mantra, I came up with:

"Keep it REVITively Simple!"