View Full Version : Aligning 3D Views created using Section Boxes and Orient View

2006-04-12, 06:51 PM
Hi all,

In the attached image you can see what we are trying to do. We want to cut slices through the building that are all exactly aligned. I produced the views in the image manually...but it seems like there should be a better way?

The Camera Position setting is view properties was my first guess but it is greyed out and set to adjusting.

I'm out of guesses...


Max Lloyd
2006-04-12, 07:01 PM
personally I approach it the other way around. go to your 3d view and get the angle of view that you want. Then switch on the section box. Duplicate the view and call it iso section 1 or something. drag the section box till it cuts where you want. Then duplicate calling it 'section 2', drag the section box onwards and so on. This way, your outside view, and all corresponding sections will have the same angle of view.

Only downside is that they don't appear as section markers on yor plan.

I do the same for 3d perspective cut aways. Loooks great!


2006-04-12, 07:08 PM
Unless I'm not understanding the question, it seems straightforward enough. I haven't come across anything in Revit that allows you to set the x and y coordinates for the camera. The Z coord can be set. If you manually draw a reference line perpendicular from your section cuts, figure out the distance between the section cuts and set your camera and target spots at roughly the same distances along that ref line, you should be able to come up with views that are close enough to the naked eye.

2006-04-12, 07:35 PM
Max's solution totally solves my problem. Very simple...and that's a good thing/


2006-04-12, 09:20 PM
ok, a simpler solution
duplicate the 3d view, to the number of section's you had
than go to the first 3d view, select menu, view » orient to other view» select first section
repeat in each 3dview for each section, and you get a 3d view oriented for each section
finally simple orient each 3d view for the same orthogonal view you want (SW, NW, etc..)

2006-04-13, 02:55 AM
seems to me like you lose the section box when you do that....

Max Lloyd
2006-04-13, 08:01 AM
Good thinking Fernando. The best thing about that technique is if for any reason you lose the orientation of the view, you can easily retrieve it, and the section markers appear on plan (if you want them to).

The only problem for me is the view is a bit too high. I prefer it slightly lower down. But thats just me being picky!