View Full Version : Inter-sketch Constraints

2006-04-12, 09:31 PM
Summary: Allows a user to make sketch constraints and dimensions between two different sketches without having to project the sketch geometry.

Description: I need Constraints that aren't confined to one sketch.

How Used: We can currently para-dimension using parameters from one sketch in another. I need to be able to constrain a a line or arc etc to another in a previous sketch. The equals constraint is the obvious example, but it should be applicable to all constrains.

Feature Affinity: Sketching

Submitted By: Duncan Anderson on April 12, 2006

Duncan Anderson
2006-04-13, 03:07 PM
Having had a second thought about this, it would be helpful to have dynamically updating project geometry. At the moment projected geometry is dangerous - it is inherently unstable when previous features are edited.
Both would be lovely.