View Full Version : R9 file name error...

2006-04-13, 02:54 PM
My standard naming convention for project file names uses a versioning system similar to that used by software... e.g. "projectname-4.1.3.rvt". However, under R9, I get a warning message:

"You have specified a backup file. Save projectname-4.rvt instead?"

I don't understand why this has been added/changed... it's never been a problem before.

2006-04-13, 03:45 PM
It looks like revit is now treating files that look like XXXXXX.#.rvt as backup files. Since this is the strategy that the app uses for backups, it sortof makes sense, although it will mess up anyone who uses a simnilar strategy for versioning. I'd suggest that if you can, you replace the dots with dashes (project-4-1-3.rvt) to get around this.