View Full Version : 9.0 Crash when saving a View???

2006-04-13, 09:02 PM
Trying the new feature of saving a view to my library. I've tried this 3 times and each and every time it will crash. I'm starting with the default template, put in a wall. Cut a section ... Try to save the view and it crashed. Did that twice. The third time I took the section to a callout and tried to save it. It too crashed.

Anyone else having this problem?

Version 9 Web Install.

2006-04-13, 09:19 PM

I can't get anything to happen here.
Can you post exactly the steps you go though?
You have a blank file with 1 wall and a section?
Which view do you save using which command?

Are you in demo mode by any chance? You can not save anything in demo mode so it might be choking on that.



2006-04-13, 09:36 PM
I was running in demo mode. I put in the serial number and it worked. Thanks!

I was able to export a sun study without the serial number... Odd. Perhaps the factory should fix the crash without a serial number. A warning message would be a lot nicer in 9.1 :)

2006-04-13, 10:20 PM
Yes it should not crash. I will investigate.