View Full Version : Scheduling Curtain System Doors... To and From Room...

2006-04-14, 05:38 PM
Weve got a bunch of Storefront doors in a project, and it goes like this. They are obviously panels, of Type "Curtain Wall Double Glass Door," in a Curtain system, that is embedded in a regular Basic Wall. The curtain System is palce so the CL matches the CL of the walkl its embedded in.

When they schedule, the To Room and From Room are both the same, either the inside room or the outside room, but i cannot get it to properly display one and the other for To and From.

Ive tried various offsets of the door, from the CL of the curtain wall, and ive gone in to the Area settings to make sure the Room Boundary is the CL of the wall, at a Height where the doors are present.

Currently, i got ONE of about 100 of these to schedule properly, but whats weird... Is i didnt do anything differently for that one. CL to CL is aligned, offset is 0", and that one works fine even with the room boundary set at the face or the wall its embedded in.

What gives??

2006-04-14, 06:27 PM
This is really frustrating. Ive gotten three doors to work now, but i dont know what i did differently. I just keep trying to adjust the Curtain Walls location (CL to CL, nudging it this way and that), and i tried redefining a couple of room boundaries that werent behaving. I still cant figure out why the rest of these are being so difficult...

2006-04-14, 06:52 PM
have you looked into contacting customer support and sending them the file? I've heard nothing but rave reviews about it!

on another note though, i'm curious how you guys are doing with the "to room" and "from room" for doors. we've noticed that they take on the right info when first put into the door schedule, but if you flip the orientation of the door swing, the door schedule doesn't update that info for us. seems like it was half-developped. we'd love to use the feature, but we've decided to use just one (either the to, or from) and rename it just to "room" and then select which one we want it to from the drop down.

Would love some imput on that, and i'm looking into the curtain wall situation with one of our own. i'll let you know if i find the same problem or a solution

2006-04-14, 06:59 PM
Ive found some things that behaved as you mentioned, depending on the orientation of the WALL, and not the door. Not sure if thats why you cant get the schedule to change when you flip the door or not, but id try flipping the wall too, and see if that does it.

I could send it to CS if necessary, but im waiting on a few higher ups at work to get bck to me for help. From there, its there call if they want to submit it, i suppose. Frustrating to say the least.

Ive gotten a couple to work now, but i cant reproduce the process, or the result. Ive tried deleting room tags (and the rooms, when prompted) and recreating them, THEN changing the panel to a door, doesnt work either. Ive checked the room boundaries height setting, and setting respective to the wall core.

Ive ruled out it being any of the doors parameters, because all of the adjustments for the door offset, etc, are type parameters, and the same type is used for the ones that work, AND the ones that dont... I even got one that worked in a particular room, and one that wouldnt. So now im kind of baffled.

2006-04-14, 07:59 PM
Interestingly enough... I just threw a new project together to experiement. For walls, and a floor. I drew a fifth wall down the middle to divide, and embedded a Curtain wall there. Turned one panel in to the double door curtain wall panel, and tagged the door, and both rooms. In the schedule, the TO and FROM fields dont fill in at all. But if i go to the 3d view, and just unpin one of the curtain grids, the TO and FROM populate in the schedule.

This, however, had no bearing on my project that im trying to fix, lol... Thoughts?

2006-04-15, 05:39 PM
So seriously, i think im going to end up typing the entire schedule out in AutoCAD, and importing it as a dumb legend, with no link to the model whatsoever. I spent the majority of an 8 hour day on this, and didnt come up with anything, and thats just too much time wasted on it.

I know the answer is out there, and i know its something we did wrong (obviously) with the embedded curtain wall/regular wall/room separation, but for now i give up.

Tom Dorner
2006-04-15, 06:17 PM
Before going out to ACAD with your schedule, you may want to explore another method of adding doors to a curtain wall. I tend to not use the "curtain wall" style doors in my curtain walls as they can be problem childs in a door schedule as you have discovered.

Instead, I define the area the door will go in to by dividing up the curtain wall system, then change the panel that would have been the "curtain door" into a regular Revit wall (I make a new wall style called "Fake curtain doors") I then simply insert a regular old Revit door into the Fake curtain doors wall.

You have to watch how you size the panel/wall and that you use a door without trim and such but I find this method works for me. It may solve the issues you are having with the too/from rooms.

If that doesn't work, before jumping to ACAD I would export the Revit door schedule to Excel, clean it up there and JPEG back into Revit.


2006-05-20, 02:37 PM
Thats an interesting approach that i never would have thought of. I may try that this time around. Were still using the Curtain Panel Doors, and they seem to work allright, except they still wont load to and from rooms. But i fixed most of our other issues with them by making a typical model group out of the storefront assembly, and using that for the 100 tyipcal doors. (We had trouble with people moving mullions in elevation, to have doors come out to sizes like 2'-11 13/16" in the schedule, lol).

Ill give that a go this weekend tho. Thanks. : )

Before going out to ACAD with your schedule, you may want to explore another method of adding doors to a curtain wall. I tend to not use the "curtain wall" style doors in my curtain walls as they can be problem childs in a door schedule as you have discovered.

Instead, I define the area the door will go in to by dividing up the curtain wall system, then change the panel that would have been the "curtain door" into a regular Revit wall (I make a new wall style called "Fake curtain doors") I then simply insert a regular old Revit door into the Fake curtain doors wall.

You have to watch how you size the panel/wall and that you use a door without trim and such but I find this method works for me. It may solve the issues you are having with the too/from rooms.

If that doesn't work, before jumping to ACAD I would export the Revit door schedule to Excel, clean it up there and JPEG back into Revit.


2007-08-13, 04:29 PM
Hi, I'm having a similar problem here. Some of my doors, while exhibiting the same symptoms you are having, or had, since the posting is old. However, some of the doors are showing rooms that are on the other side of the building, no where close to the door or to the wall having the problems. If they would display in the schedule as nothing that would be ok, but as they are now is unacceptable.

I can do the options listed above but, this doesn't solve things in the long run. If curtain walls are always going to be a hassle and the door schedules aren't going to work and I have to update an external file and make sure that the correct version is displayed, then why use Revit at all. I could be doing the same thing without all the hassle in AutoCad.

So, does anyone have any clues / solutions other than the methods listed above? I would like to keep this thing intact, because we have already blown too much of this model into separate pieces. (that's a whole other story)

2007-08-13, 04:35 PM
Just as a side note: I love this program. But sometimes, it's too smart for it's own good.

Lets face it, sometimes it just doesn't work right, no matter what you do, no matter how much time you spend on a subject, object, "thingy" it just doesn't play well. Give me DUMB tools. No, seriously, simple drafting tools that will let you create shapes, lines, filled regions, masks, whatever in any, all, every view I want. At least for now, until all these little bugs get taken care of and Revit becomes the God of all programs it could ascend to.

woohoo... 2nd post

2007-10-30, 10:31 PM
Another alternative to getting a door in a curtain wall to be properly scheduled is to place a Basic wall and insert the door, then embed the Curtain wall over the Basic wall. This gives you the ability to freely move the door along the wall and the curtain gird is automatically updated to account for the door. Maybe this is old news, but I just spent an hour figuring this out and felt like sharing.

2007-10-31, 01:20 AM
Wow, thiws post is a blast from the past. I remeber my frustration from those original posts... Although i cannot BELIEVE i ever threatened to make a dumb schedule in AutoCAD. Thats horrible, im ashamed of myself.

I never did figure out the quirk with CW Door Panels, and the To and From rooms... But the way i got around it was just as efficient. I started using Schedule Keys to handle my door schedules, as most of my CW Doors were the exact same model group anyway... :)

Welcome to the board!

2007-11-07, 01:28 AM
[quote=twiceroadsfool;320605]Weve got a bunch of Storefront doors in a project, and it goes like this. They are obviously panels, of Type "Curtain Wall Double Glass Door," in a Curtain system, that is embedded in a regular Basic Wall. The curtain System is palce so the CL matches the CL of the walkl its embedded in.

When they schedule, the To Room and From Room are both the same, either the inside room or the outside room, but i cannot get it to properly display one and the other for To and From.

i'm curious as to what the To Room and From Room parameters are that you are referring to.

EDIT: nevermind! got it figured out......