View Full Version : Scheduling Areas across Options

2006-04-14, 08:42 PM
I'm working on a project (my first in Revit actually) and have decided to use Options to explore three different ideas we have.

I've got the modeling done in each of the Options and have created separate Area Analysis schemes for each one (changing the Visibility Graphics of the plan to show the correct Option).

So far, so good.

The problem comes when I try and create a Schedule for each of these Area schemes. I created a Schedule and copied it changing the Visibility Graphics for each to show only the Option that I want scheduled but they're all reporting the same information that, I believe, came from the 1st design we had. Changing the Visibility Graphics doesn't seem to make a difference... nor does changing which Option is Primary.

Any ideas?

Mr Spot
2006-04-14, 10:25 PM
Odd, changing the primary option should definitely update your schedule (and I'm pretty sure this is the only way of getting different option information to report in a schedule)...

2006-04-14, 10:50 PM
While not ideal, I would have thought that would work too.

I tried another tactic. I created a Project Parameter for Areas called "Area Options" and assigned each of the Area Tags to the appropriate value and created Schedules to Filter out all the other "Area Options" but even though I've got three values in that parameter I can only filter one of them... the original idea before we implemented Options.

So I'm still stuck.

I don't know if it matters but I also have enabled Worksharing on this file...

Tom Dorner
2006-04-15, 05:59 PM
I think what you are trying to do can be accomplished by creating different area schemes and creating a schedule for each scheme. Revit out of the box comes with two predefined area schemes called Gross and Rentable. You can add additional schemes by going to "Settings>Area Settings" and clicking on "New". You are then presented with a choice of this new scheme responding to with the "gross" or "rentable" area rules. These are Revit's built-in rules based on BOMA area calculations. If you are not doing BOMA calcs, then simply choose "rentable" for now.

Create your new area schemes (one for each design option). Then create new area plans, one for each of the new schemes that you defined. When you create a new area plan pay attention to the drop-down box where you pick the area scheme you want your new area plan based on. Revit will ask you if you want it to create exterior wall boundary lines for you. You may want to choose no depending on your needs as those Revit created boundary lines will be placed according to BOMA rules which may not suit your needs.

In each of you newly created area planes, you will need to set the design option to display (view properties) When the design option display is set properly, add you area boundary lines and area tags for each area scheme. When this is done, then create a new area schedule for each of the area schemes. If you apply the "area rules" when placing the new area lines then Revit will choose and move the line location for you based on the Revit built-in "Area Type". This is very useful if you are doing BOMA calcs as the area lines will move based on the adjacencies of different BOLA area types. If you do not want this to happen, then make sure you place the new area lines with the "apply area rules" box unchecked.

It is probably useful to create a new shared parameter that is applied to areas to define your own "area type" that is not based on the BOMA area types. You can use this new parameter to hold your definitions like "office, corridor, storage, restroom, loading dock etc." An additional enhancement would be to make your new custom "area type" be based on a "schedule key" where you could start to define and quantify code and occupancy related data via your area types and schemes.


2006-04-15, 11:32 PM
That's pretty much exactly what I did... but it's not working. I think it might have something to do with the fact that the Areas aren't in the Options... for some reason they can't be.

As I said, I tried adding a Project Parameter to the Areas in order to filter them out in the Schedule but only one of the Areas schemes seems to be able to be scheduled... the first one.

It sounds like I might need to contact Autodesk about this. Might be a bug... I sure think I'm doing everything I'm supposed to.

I think I'll also try this concept again in a new file and see if the same thing happens. If that file is small enough I'll post it here in case someone can tell me what simple thing I'm doing wrong (it's always the simple things that trip you up)

Tom Dorner
2006-04-16, 04:43 PM

I think your problem is that you "copied" the schedule. When you create the schedule you are creating it for that specific area scheme. The design option visibility that you display in that area scheme is for your reference in placing the area lines. Area lines are not allowed to be part of a design option in Revit so merely copying a schedule for Area Scheme 1 and trying to make it read Area Scheme 2's areas by setting a design option within the schedule won't work.. If you copy the schedule of Area Scheme 1 you can make a it a new derivative of Scheme 1, but if you want a schedule for Scheme 2 you need to create a new one that uses Scheme 2 as its starting point.

I do this all the time so I know it works for me. Hopefully I've explained it clearly enough to help you out.

2006-04-17, 02:42 PM
Hey! What do you know! That worked!

I had assumed (apparently incorrectly) that I could just copy the schedule and change the Visibility to indicate which Option I wanted shown... but I guess not.

Anyway, it's working now and I just learned something new so thanks!

Tom Dorner
2006-04-17, 02:50 PM

Glad to help out.

For others looking at this post, keep in mind that each "Area" scheme defines its own "category" to schedule on. This can be used to your advantage in producing all different types of area schedules. However as this post points out, an area schedule based on one area scheme cannot be copied and used to report on another area scheme since they are different "categories" in Revit.