View Full Version : FILTERS - Whats the point??

2006-04-15, 12:41 AM
These new filters in VG seem to be a waste of developers time.

On most occasions I can't even use a filter simply because the element won't allow and have to resort to using worksets to hide an element or two.

eg. I have differing pads with different type names within my model. I try to apply a filter to hide some and not others and absolutely no luck in getting the pad to hide.

Whats the point?

2006-04-15, 01:16 AM
Its great for outlining fire sepeartion or smoke seperation partitions...i can see it becoming very valuable for construction management as well...Outlining an order or doors to be installed first, or partitions or whatever...based on the color that we filter them as...very nice feature.

The possibilities are quite endless, i wish it was possible to do the same with schedules

Chad Smith
2006-04-15, 07:01 AM
While I won't be using Filters a great deal, it is definitely a useful tool.
The most obvious use for myself is being able to hide retaining walls in floor plan views. I like retaining walls shown on site plans, but not on floor plans.
It's more of a view 'tweaking' tool to gain a little more view display flexibility.

2006-04-15, 12:57 PM

I love filters for the exact reason you want to use them. I tested them successfully on walls and doors, but doesn't seem to work on pads. I think it's a bug (or as they like to say "limitation" :-). I'll report it to the beta forum.

Geof Narlee.

Cathy Hadley
2006-04-15, 04:39 PM
I love filters. I just did a whole site plan, with 3 different schemes. Added a parameter to the parking spaces that told me which area the parking count was being added into... and in no time flat I am able to keep track of what Area of parking, each space belongs, visually... Very Very usefully in site design of large retail projects.

I suspect there may be a lot of unforeseen uses for this one.

Definitely not a waste of time IMHO...

2006-04-15, 05:32 PM
I hardly know filters so I cannot say I love them.:) However I am already quite fond of them. They are going to prove quite useful for getting rid of pesky elements that used to require either worksets or filled regions. I can also see using it for a very quick and simple design option. This is a feature I will definitely use often. Though I will say it seems odd not to have included pads.


Mr Spot
2006-04-16, 12:21 AM
I hardly know filters so I cannot say I love them.:) However I am already quite fond of them. They are going to prove quite useful for getting rid of pesky elements that used to require either worksets or filled regions. I can also see using it for a very quick and simple design option. This is a feature I will definitely use often. Though I will say it seems odd not to have included pads.

OR section/elevation/callout markers.

2006-04-16, 04:12 AM
Can't you use Hide Annotation in View for those?