View Full Version : Instance Parameter for Keynotes and Grouping

2006-04-15, 06:26 PM
Love the keynote by materials!!!! Wish they were already assigned in the detail components and materials themselves. This will be a long data entry process. How can we share this task amongst the AUGI users since we all have to do it if we want to take advantage of this feature? Can the factory please reissue the material library with notes already assigned? Please?

We desperately need to be able to add additional parameters to the new keynotes in 9, specifically instance parameters. Why can't we add more columns to the text file? It should be that simple.

The main reason for this is so that I can use the same Stud material for all my stud walls and rafters, etc. but in the keynote itself define what the size and spacing is. It's ridiculous to have to make a different material for every possible size multiplied by every possible spacing of stud. Am I missing something?

Also, why can't we group our keynotes schedules by the CSI field? I like to do this to keep the schedule organized. Plus I plan to add additional non-csi categories to my keynote text file and it'd be nice to generate schedules that group my custom keynotes separate from the CSI (Assemblies and Allowances using User Keynotes).

Finally, what is it going to take to get this new keynoting system to adhere to the NCS? It's so close yet that last bit of formatting is missing. Has anyone worked on somehow tweaking this to work more like NCS?

Thanks for the effort - it's so close!

2006-04-19, 10:21 PM
Also, why can't we group our keynotes schedules by the CSI field? I like to do this to keep the schedule organized. Plus I plan to add additional non-csi categories to my keynote text file and it'd be nice to generate schedules that group my custom keynotes separate from the CSI (Assemblies and Allowances using User Keynotes).

Finally, what is it going to take to get this new keynoting system to adhere to the NCS? It's so close yet that last bit of formatting is missing. Has anyone worked on somehow tweaking this to work more like NCS?

Thanks for the effort - it's so close!
I begged for this functionality, unortunately it did not make the shipping version, or wait, let me explore the final version and see if it has what we desperately need.