View Full Version : Material takeoffs, Wall types

2006-04-16, 08:50 PM
The new material takeoffs feature opens a whole range of possibilities for doing initial cost estimates within the program. The basic method for doing this is to apply materials and finishes to building components. However, there seem to be a few restrictions. Here are some:

1- Wall definition assemblies do not allow for finishes to be included. Take for example CMU wall. Suppose the basic wall is 10cm thick. If we apply plaster on both sides it becomes 14cm, but this should not show on drawings - at least large scale drawings. It would be good if there is a way to include finishes within the wall structure that can be quantified, but only allowed to show in for example fine detail views. So the basic wall remains with its original width.
2- Finishes such as paints with 0 thickness should also find a way to be included in wall definitions. Currently the only way to included finishes is with the paint tool that needs to be manually applied on each surface individually - please correct me if I am mistaken. Paint IMO should be there for overiding defined finishes.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this matter.

2006-04-16, 10:46 PM
Vis Graphics > Over-ride Cut Line Styles allows you to "hide "a finish layer.

You can assign a paint finish as a Membrane layer and it will schedule in a material take-off.

2006-04-17, 09:34 AM
Yes I assume that will do it. However don't you think we should be allowed to globally assign material definitions at he initial stage of setting up a wall? a fourth column a for visibility would be very helpfull.