View Full Version : room tag placement problem

2006-04-17, 02:58 PM
just upgraded to r9 from 8.1. trying to place room tags however i click on room tag but i can not insert a tag. no clue y. the project was started in 8.1 and then upgraded to 9. room tags are set to be visible, a tag family is loaded, i should be able to place them but cannot. bug?

Tom Dorner
2006-04-17, 03:02 PM
I haven't upgraded a project yet from 8.1 to 9 so I don't know if you get "rooms" in the file upgrade process. In 9 "rooms" are a new entity that needs to exist before it can be "tagged" just like a wall needs to exist before it can be tagged.

Try placing a "room" from the basics bar I believe and then see how the tagging behaves.

2006-04-17, 03:06 PM
thanks, that worked. there they go again changing something around. i was wondering what that was and how it worked. so does tha negate the usefulness of teh room tag option under drafting now. seems redundant to have too places for the command especially when one doesnt work unless u use the other first. i must be missing something.

Tom Dorner
2006-04-17, 03:13 PM
When you place a room, it can be tagged automatically just like a door or window. The beauty of the change to having rooms as objects is that they can be moved around so all properties of the room don't need to be re-defined if the room switches location. You also get the volume of a room now and rooms can be multi-story which is useful for atriums, stairwells and the like.

It also looks like "areas" get a similar upgrade in 9. I just played around with 9 over the weekend but that is what it looked like to me.