View Full Version : DWG Export to work

Chad Smith
2006-04-17, 10:32 PM
Since the first v8.0 release the DWG export has been broken, with parts, even most of the exported drawing missing from the DWG file.

It's about time this is fixed. For a company to have a file standard which has been around since forever and is the most widely used, but then not be able to produce this file is just incompetent.

2006-04-18, 04:07 AM
I assume you've discussed this with support? Do they know what you are saying is broken? What is broken btw?

Chad Smith
2006-04-18, 04:12 AM
I assume you've discussed this with support?On numerous occassions, and have sent them numerous files in the past.

What is broken btw?Basically, we're not getting a replication of the view/sheet from Revit to a DWG file. Linework goes missing, and I have even had linework that has been made invisible through the Visibility Overrides turn back on during the Export.

It's a mess. It's costing us time to redraw in AutoCAD, which is wasted labour costs. And it's not just my PC, it happens from the other ones too. Version 7.0 worked fine.

2006-04-18, 07:46 AM
Vendors of other software always used the bad DWG export in Revit to get people to use their software. And who can blame them. How credible can you be if every other software does import and export DWG's perfectly expect Revit.

2006-04-18, 08:14 AM
...every other software does import and export DWG's perfectly except Revit.Every other software imports dwg perfectly? Really? I recall working with Microstation and not finding that to be true even after the big V8 release that reads/writes dwg directly in their superior user interface. Sorry, I have to ask, do you actually like and/or use Revit or do you just enjoy picking on it?

2006-04-18, 02:23 PM
It's one thing for a non-Autodesk company to output questionable DWG. After all - ADSK says this is a "closed" standard.

I too have had numerous bad exports. Views where most of the text is hidden is bad news.

However, there is no excuse for an Autodesk product not to be able to produce a decent DWG. At least somethings with dimensional and visual fidelity. I don't care about extended entity data being attached.

2006-04-18, 05:28 PM
Every other software imports dwg perfectly? Really? I recall working with Microstation and not finding that to be true even after the big V8 release that reads/writes dwg directly in their superior user interface. Sorry, I have to ask, do you actually like and/or use Revit or do you just enjoy picking on it?

Oh yeah, I forgot about microstation.

Chad Smith
2006-06-28, 06:31 AM
I'm bumping this in the hope the developers are actually reading it.
It's been over a year now and 2 releases since the problem was identified, and still no resolution.

This isn't a minor bug or a wish. This is a problem which currently has NO workaround other than to redraw the missing linework in AutoCAD. Come on Autodesk, please get your own 'standard' correct.

Chad Smith
2006-06-29, 09:49 PM
Sorry Autodesk but your new build 20060619_2300 which was released the other day still doesn't solve the missing linework issues.