View Full Version : Keynoting Repeated Component Details

2006-04-17, 10:54 PM
Anyone figure out how to keynote repeated details? I have tried every method for the keynoting tool on the Drafting tab, Elements, Materials and user. None will keynote a repeated detail. I have setup the keynote reference in the original detail component used in the repeated detail, but no success getting the keynote to find the repeated detail - detail component used.

Mel Persin, AIA

2006-04-18, 01:03 AM
I havent spent a terribly long time playing with it, but i had initially presumed this is what keynoting was for. Turns out it is actually more sophisticated than i thought but i dont think it can do the simple stuff you are asking it to do. hmmmm....

2006-04-18, 02:14 AM
For the brick in your detail eliminate the top brick in the repeating detail and put a single brick in its place. The single brick can be keynoted

2006-04-18, 10:28 AM
Thanks guys for the quick replies. I new I could place a single instance of the detail component in the mix, but this kind of defeats and dimishes the power of being able to just keynote a detail, HUH!

There needs to be a way to add a keynote parameter to the Repeated Detail feature or Revit should be able to understand the profile assigned to the Repeated Detail and extract its keynote based on what was assigned the original Detail Component..

Phil Palmer
2006-04-18, 11:10 AM
Not being able to keynote repeating details is a real shame and kind of defeats the object of using them.
being that R9 was so focussed around details I am suprised it has been missed.
Worse than not being able to keynote repeating details is that you can NOT dimension them either. Thats a bigger problem to me than keynoting.

2006-04-18, 01:15 PM
You can't keynote:
Model Lines
Symbolic Lines
Repeating Details
Insulation (duh)

This was all noted in the beta.

2006-04-20, 06:40 PM
You can't keynote:
Model Lines
Symbolic Lines
Repeating Details
Insulation (duh)

This was all noted in the beta.
I dont think THEY PAID ANY Attention to what was brought up in BETA at all. It just sucks.
you also cannt keynote Detail lines (symbolic lines same?) or a detail that you import from AutoCAD. The only way I did it was at someone's suggestion (you?) to create a Detail Family of it and then use User Keynotes. I am kind of not happy with a simple request of a sticky FREE END insertion feature was not even taken care of, every time oyu go to the Keynote tool, user, it always reverts to Attached END. AGGGGH.

2006-06-30, 12:31 PM
I experienced the same grief but did manage to come up with a preliminary solution that suffices for the time being until the issue is addressed. I created a line-based detail using a single invisible line and saved it as "insulation-line". I then insert the detail on top of the already drawn insulation using the "pick lines" option and then keynote it. The pick lines option works quite nicely, as there is no need to pick two points; a single click of the insulation detail is all it takes.

2006-06-30, 05:14 PM
I experienced the same grief but did manage to come up with a preliminary solution that suffices for the time being until the issue is addressed. I created a line-based detail using a single invisible line and saved it as "insulation-line". I then insert the detail on top of the already drawn insulation using the "pick lines" option and then keynote it. The pick lines option works quite nicely, as there is no need to pick two points; a single click of the insulation detail is all it takes.
thats a nice solution!
thanks for the tip

Steve Jager
2006-10-05, 06:08 PM
Yes this doth suck, but, we keep the wall turned on and cut patterns turned off. Place your repeating detail over the area you are trying to repeat cmu, brick insulation and the keynote tag reads the wall material behind the repeating detail.

It seems this is how they wanted it to work. (yeah right!)