View Full Version : Detail Callouts in Plans and Referencing Other Views

2006-04-18, 03:24 PM
I think I just ran across something that I don't really care for but can live with (if I have to) but I wanted to run it by someone else to see if I'm just missing something.

In my floor plan I have created a series of Callouts for enlarged plans (toilet rooms, stair cores, etc.) using the Floor Plan Callout Type and been able to use the Reference Other View on other floors where these same (or similar) enlarged plans appear.

So far so good.

Now it's time to create plan details. I select the Callout tool... change the Type to Detail View : Detail in the Options Bar and create a couple callouts. But, and here's where I'm having problems, when I go to create a detail callout using Reference Other View none of my plan details are available.


So I skipped this for now and started placing detail callouts in my sections and when I go to Reference Other Views here I not only see the section details I've added but also the plan details!

If I'm understanding this right I'll have to use the Floor Plan Callout Type for ALL plan callouts (whether they're for enlarged plans or details) and the Detail Callout Type for all other views (elevation and section).

That can't be right... can it? I mean when you're in a section or elevation you have an entirely new set of options for the Callout Type and each one is applicable to the view you're in.

So why does the Detail Callout for plan views not work the same way?

2006-04-18, 05:52 PM
What type of view(s) have you put your plan details in?

2006-04-18, 06:36 PM
Not sure I follow you... I used the Floor Plan Callout for the enlarged plans (which put the views in the Floor Plan family) and I want to use the Detail Callout for plan details (which would put them in the Details family). Both of those I can do but when I try and use the Reference Other View for the Detail Callouts (in plan) all I can see are the Floor Plan Callouts... does that make any better sense?

2006-04-19, 02:58 PM
I just found this thread... http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=21752... that tells me it's a known issue (bummer).

2006-04-19, 04:46 PM
I have ran into this also. What I have done is added a new drawing type parameter under the project parameters. This allows me to easily sort diferent views in sepperate folders. So I use the plan call out even for plan details, then sort them in a new folder called "Plan Details" under the floor plan family. See the link below for full instruction how to do this. It has limitless applications and I now use it for everything.
