View Full Version : wall pattern

2006-04-19, 07:48 PM
we are trying to make a repeating pattern in both a straight and curved walls. We tried using reveals, which work, but you can't copy and paste from one wall to another. I was hoping we could use model lines, but you can't select the vertical plane of a curved wall. See attached sketch.


2006-04-19, 08:05 PM
A curtain wall with no mullions and using the empty panel showing only the grids would do it, placed in front of the wall. You'd have to lay them out on the curve. No copy/paste.

2006-04-19, 08:31 PM
curtain wall would be made of straight segments though wouldn't it?

2006-04-19, 09:35 PM
You could make a curtain panel. but I think I would just make an inplace wall family with voids to make your image.

2006-04-20, 01:56 AM
I was thinking about this some more and realized I forgot to mention using embeding walls. It is a very powerful feature I usually forget about until I've done something like this the hard way. Basically all you have to do is make a thin wall and a thick wall type, then draw the thin one, then the thick one, adjust its bot and top offsets and embed, repeat as needed.