View Full Version : Roof Line Question - Immediate Help Needed

2006-04-19, 09:43 PM
Hey Ya'll,

I need some immediate help since I have a deadline of Friday afternoon for this! I am trying to create the roof as shown and did read the thread on the plate offset information which works great! However, I am left with this problem. Please help me if possible!

Thanks in advance!

2006-04-19, 10:10 PM
not sure if this is an already obvious statement, but i believe the location of that valley is driven partially by the height differences of the eaves you have. good luck.

2006-04-20, 12:10 AM
I'd concurr with Jamie on this... if you use the align eaves tool - it will work out...

2006-04-20, 02:08 AM
I know that the eaves has something to do with that. Is there an option to use a setback on the middle roof? They have a common peak as shown but the "middle" section is 2'-3" lower and the rear is 2'-3" lower than the middle! This house is 100 years old and we are adding a dormer but I have to show this properly.


2006-04-20, 02:13 AM
how about creating a separate roof and then joining them?

2006-04-20, 02:17 AM
I did try that too! The pitch is 7/12 and when two are created the overall height is wrong not to mention that I had trouble getting them to join!

2006-04-20, 02:21 AM
check the sketch(show us the sketcH) to me it looks like you must have an extra line or just need to use the align eves tool as previously, suggested. If you copy paste the roof into a blank file and upload it I'm sure someone could fix it. But first edit the sketch, make sure the eaves are aligned(same height).

2006-04-20, 02:49 AM
Please see above about not being able to align eaves due to the roof being offset.

PS - not having much luck getting the file uploaded but still trying

2006-04-20, 02:55 AM
from your photo, looks like the roof to the right continues to the wall. seems like they should be modeled as separate roofs. that doesn't work out?

2006-04-20, 03:01 AM
Trying that suggestion now! Thanks guys!

2006-04-20, 03:14 AM
Here is the revit file for the roof only!

2006-04-20, 04:00 AM
Is this what your looking for?

This is the quick fix although the lower roof doesn't continue as it should under the upper roof...Revit can't do this. If you want it showing correctly you will have to create more roofs then the one main roof.

2006-04-20, 04:10 AM
This is the way I would create the roof to show correctly.

Hope this helps

2006-04-20, 05:12 AM
Thanks Steve! This is my first foray into a complex roof of this type and was seriuosly getting stumped. How do you know when to create profiles such as the one that you did and how to create it the way you did?

2006-04-20, 09:08 PM

I'm not experiened yet, but I'd think anytime you want overlapping roof geometry, you'd be best making seperate roofs like second example.