View Full Version : Section Cuts

Allen Lacy
2003-06-02, 04:23 PM
I am having a problem getting a section to be perpendicular to a wall that is drawn at a 30 deg. angle. Is there any way around this other than trial and error?

2003-06-02, 04:42 PM
Can't you just select the Section and use the rotate command to rotate it 30 degrees, then move it as necessary?

Or am I missing the point?


Wes Macaulay
2003-06-02, 05:01 PM
If the wall is on a weird angle, then I would move the rotation origin to a line on the geometry to which you wish to align the section. Then the section can be rotated precisely to the desired location.

Allen Lacy
2003-06-02, 05:36 PM
Thanks guys. I guess my real problem is that I can't dimension wall thicknessess, offsets, etc when I do get the section perp. to the wall. Vertical dims work but nothing horizontally.

2003-06-02, 07:35 PM

Because of the inability to create horizontal dimensions, it sounds like your section cut may still be slighlty off-angle. I've had this problem when I've rotated an existing section.

If the angle of your wall is not a regular increment, try first drawing a reference plane, letting the second mouse pick snap perpendicular the wall. Then create your section adjacent to the plane. This might work.


David Conant
2003-06-02, 07:46 PM
Sections snap perpendicular to walls. Place your first pick where you want the head, then put the cursor over the wall you want to be perpendicular to. You should see a snap/alignment line appear along the centerline of the wall indicating that the perpendicular snap is in operation. You can pick there and drag the tail out later, or move the cursor out to the tail position immediately. You should still see the snap indicator as long as the cursor is near the extension of perpendicularity.