View Full Version : Copy Central File

B. Strube
2004-05-17, 09:29 PM
I'm working on a large project with 6 users and a number of worksets. What I want to do is make a copy of the project that is completely seperate from the original. I've tried copying the file in explorer and re-naming it. The problem is it is too smart and ends up making a new local copy of the original central file. It looks as if I could save as the orginal central file to a new central file, and then all the other users would have to open the new central and make a new local file. :cry: However this would give me the old central file to work with seperately. Or...could I make a template out of the original central file and use that to establish the new seperate file. What is the best way to do this :?:

2004-05-17, 09:36 PM
i just make a new folder, ie central option 2, then open up your central file and do a save as new central and save it into that new folder. Then create a new local from it. Now you have 2 sep projects basically with 2 sep. central files. Is this what you are after?

B. Strube
2004-05-17, 09:43 PM
yes exactly....sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees.

Thanks much.

2004-06-01, 02:09 PM
When you copy or move your central file to a new location be sure to include the the back-up folders. All this information is needed to make the central file function. Use this method when burning your project to a disk also.

2004-09-24, 03:23 PM
I thought that if you do a Save As and check the "make this the central file" that the old central file would become like a local copy, referencing the "new" central file that was just saved. Is this not true? Do you indeed now have 2 central files? Does my old local file still reference the old central file?

Reason I'm wondering is that we often save copies of a project if we are about to make major design changes, in case we want to go back to the old one. For example, we will do a Save As and name the file the same as the old one, but with "SD1, SD2, DD1, DD2", etc. on the end of the filename.

So, if I want to save a copy of the project to store away in case we want to go back to it, but continue moving forward with the original central file, so I just do a "Save As" and check the "make this the central file"? Do I need to do anything else?

2004-09-24, 03:32 PM
I thought that if you do a Save As and check the "make this the central file" that the old central file would become like a local copy, referencing the "new" central file that was just saved. Is this not true? Not True

Do you indeed now have 2 central files?Yes you do

Does my old local file still reference the old central file?Yes it does

Do I need to do anything else?You'll need to make a new local for the "archived" version if you and others intend to work on it again. Otherwise, no.