View Full Version : V9 Wall Schedule?

2006-04-21, 01:44 AM
Unlocked external brick layer then extended. Extra wall surface area dosn't reflect in wall schedule. Am I missing something?

2006-04-21, 03:44 AM
Unlocked external brick layer then extended. Extra wall surface area dosn't reflect in wall schedule. Am I missing something?I haven't really played with this part much but... after unlocking do you refresh the properties?

2006-04-21, 03:58 AM
Yes. Even made new schedule.

2006-04-21, 01:37 PM
Regular wall area schedules do not take layers into account, and hence does not consider extensions.

The area reported in the material takeoff schedule should, and (I believe) does report the area of each layer and takes the extension into account (but in 9.0 not layer routing at joins).

2006-04-21, 02:11 PM
Have look at the attach post