View Full Version : Revit data safety issue (all in 1 file)

2006-04-21, 10:46 AM
If Revit deals with all the building information in one file, does it mean I might have a potential data loss problem (if something happens with the file, unreadable, errors, etc.), so I'll lose all the project.

To compare: if I make it in ADT, if something (ARX Error, etc.) happens in one of the model files (say, floor plan), I lose only that information, not all the project (not all eggs in one basket principle).

What can you say by your experience about the safety of data operation in Revit, does it cause errors like the ones in AutoCAD (fixed or not by 'AUDIT' command). Is there a way to check Revit files for consistency?

Thank you.


The Sweg
2006-04-21, 10:53 AM
Revit automatically creates backups everytime you save - which you should do often. You can set the number of back-ups up to 10 max. I believe. I think the default is 4.

In the rare case I've had a Revit crash, it has given me the option to save first before terminating and created a recovery file.


2006-04-21, 12:07 PM
Also, with worksets you get more backups and in more locations.

2006-04-21, 01:22 PM
Also, with worksets you get more backups and in more locations.Exactly, with worksets, you can even "roll back" the project to a prior save point if need be. You also get a nice little history of who saved when.

If there was a major screw-up in the model, we also have developed a script that will "harvest" all the journal files of the users working on the project, which are then analyzed to see who is to blame, said user is then flogged and publicly humiliated....ok that last part isn't true ;)

2006-04-21, 02:57 PM
What everybody said above is correct. I would also like to add that in the 4 years we have been using Revit we have never had an entire project corrupt, only portions that required fixing. Support can often recover those files and I have heard of a handful of cases where that has happened, but never to us.

2006-04-21, 03:39 PM
not to mention, you should be making daily backups of files anyways to another source. (ie tapedrive, DVD, etc.etc.) weather it be in revit, CAD or anything else. Heck i make weekly backups of all my files at home.what's a $1.00 DVD vs. the hrs of work and effort i put into my stuff?!?

Adam Mac
2006-04-22, 12:38 AM
It would be nice however to have the option of where to save the automatic back-up files. I would like to store my back-up files (automatically) in a different directory and/or on a different drive so if i was to lose my entire directory i would still have a backup files(s) elsewhere. This would prove helpful if one was to lose a project 5-6 hours between manual back-ups!

Just my 2 cents worth.
