View Full Version : Can an area tag tell you the dimensions of an area?

2006-04-21, 02:21 PM
Is there any way to make an area tag list the length and width of a given area? This seems so simple, but I can't find a way to accomplish it. The area has a parameter for Area and Perimeter, so I would think that the information would be available if I knew how to access it.
We used this information a lot with our schematic plans when we used AutoCAD, and our clients really appreciated the information. It was also very nice not to have to calculate it manually. There is a big difference is a 10 x 12 office and an 8 x 15 office even though they are both 120 square feet.

Any help would be appreciated.

Steven G. Stowers, Associate AIA
Lott + Barber Architects
Savannah, Georgia

2006-04-21, 02:28 PM
Unfortunately no... I went through this a while back and found that one of the reasons they haven't implemented this is because they're not sure what to do with irregular shaped rooms and nobody seemed to like ADT's answer of using the largest dimensions... seems to work fine for all those ADT users out there but we Revit folks like things a bit more... shall I say "elegant" <grin>