View Full Version : 9.0 Shared Coordinates Weird error message

2006-04-21, 02:59 PM
I keep getting the following error message every-time I save. Here is the situation. I have a arch based model, that is linked into an interiors base model. I am working in the interiors base model. Yesterday I acquired coordinates from the arch base model. It worked fine, I was able to save and work all day with no issues. Today when I go to save locally or to central in the interiors model, I get the error message below. The file saves anyway if you push OK.

So I followed the instructions in the dialog to the letter and it still pops up every time I try to save.

I'm am submitting a support request, but I was wondering if anyone Else has seen this?

Wes Macaulay
2006-04-21, 03:47 PM
Weird -- my guess is someone was fiddling with the coordinates of the other file (the one that's being linked in) and Revit can't push the new shared location of that file because that workset is signed out. Or it thinks it is :-P

You could opening up the linked file and seeing if anyone has anything signed out. I don't know which workset under Project Standards might contain the coordinates info, but it's worth a shot getting all users to STC and relinquish everything in the linked file.

2006-04-21, 05:54 PM
Is this an upgraded project? I ran across this message when upgrading a project with a linked site. IIRC, I solved it by opening the site, upgrading and saving, then opening the project, upgrading and saving.

2006-04-21, 06:24 PM
It was partially upgraded... the arch modle was 8.1, interiors was 9.0.

Anway, closing all sessions of revit and reopening the files solved it. <shrug>

Alex Page
2006-08-15, 03:24 AM
Im having exactly the same message everytime I save a certain project (site with multiply houses linked in).

Started project in Revit 9.0
have ~30 links (ie: subdivision of lots of houses) so the message comes up 30 times everytime I save! (double if I save to local at same time as save to central)

Note that I followed instructions as stated in the error message but it still happens

Funny thing is , If I delete the backup files, when I open the site again it creates ALL the linked files backup directories again. Methinks its getting confused and thinking that the files have been modified, even though they havent

Also, I notice that in the manage links dialog box, the 'locations not saved' boxes are not ticked, but I dont need the locations saved.
Under the properties of the linked file, it says 'locations not shared'....so why isnt the box ticked in the mange links dialog box? Maybe this is some sort of bug?

2007-01-30, 03:24 PM
I received this message when I interlinked a Building (9.1) model and a Structure (4) model

I created a new structure file > then linked the building model (by origin) and used Copy/Monitor to begin structure model

I linked the new structure file back into the building model (by origin) and began to make changes to each of them to make sure the link worked. Shortly after I began saving the structure model and receiving the attached message.

I then:
-removed the structure model link from the building model file
-acquired and published the coordinates of the building model within the structural file
-relinked the structural model into the building model with the new option "by shared coordinates". So far the message no longer shows up.

2007-01-30, 07:58 PM
Had the same issue under 9.0 and Support said that the warning was "harmless" and that it would be taken out in the future. We had the problem come and go between RB and RS files. Haven't seen it yet under 9.1.