View Full Version : Invalid Ceiling Sketch

2004-05-19, 02:04 PM
This is driving me crazy.

When I try to move a wall, I get the error message "Ceiling sketch is invalid."

Is there any way around this other than switching the my ceiling plan, editing the sketch to stop short of the wall, moving the wall and editing the sketch to be back on the wall? Or did I do my ceilings wrong?

2004-05-19, 02:25 PM
Edit your ceiling sketch and examine its lines. Do you have some lines locked to walls while others are not? That may lead to a situation when moving a wall results in not closed ceiling boundary. Think of the effect moving a wall will have on ceiling. You might be able to apply additional constrains and dimensions to lock you design intent into ceiling.

2004-05-19, 04:10 PM
You can also use move>disjoin to move your wall, then re-edit your ceiling. I've been getting the same with floors very frequently. Something must have changed in the code that makes these fail or be less forgiving than in the past.

2004-05-19, 05:54 PM
Thanks Scott!!

I've been wondering what that disjoin button did.