View Full Version : Field properties, what, how, why?

2006-04-24, 06:56 PM
I use all kind of fields for different jobs and constantly have to research what fields do what. There must be a better explaination for fields somewhere that explains why you would use what you would use. I usually use the wrong type of field and cannot remember what I used. How about a way that we can determine what kind of field we used like in the properties or by "list"?

Eric Wing
2006-04-24, 07:03 PM
I use all kind of fields for different jobs and constantly have to research what fields do what. There must be a better explaination for fields somewhere that explains why you would use what you would use. I usually use the wrong type of field and cannot remember what I used. How about a way that we can determine what kind of field we used like in the properties or by "list"?
I have attached my Tables and Fields class. Do you think a nore advanced Fields class is needed?

2006-04-24, 08:21 PM
Thank you for that! There are definitely a couple things in there that I can use. Once I understand more about fields, I will be able to refer back to your tutorial to help me even more.

What I was really looking for is something like a layman's terms dictionary for categories of fields. I already have a $140 book that describes very briefly each field category. For example, it says "CurrentSheetSetCustom" = "Custom property name". That doesn't tell me very much. When would I use it? Would this be used on a resource drawing? or a template? would it be used for part of a title block? and if so, what part? I just don't get how we are supposed to understand fields in its entirety and use it in the real world? It's like giving someone the ingredients but not the recipe. Everyone keeps showing me what it's supposed to look like but doesn't tell me what each ingredient is, what it's for, how much and when do I use it.

I'm so frustrated at wasting time and money on looking for something that is supposed to save me time and money. Without knowing what fields to use when and where, I really don't understand how it will tie into tables or sheet sets. (Another analogy coming up) I feel like I'm climbing stairs but have no clue where it goes.

My apologies for venting to you. I really want to learn more, I'm just hitting a wall - the same wall - for the last two months.

2006-04-24, 09:45 PM

See if some of the links found in the following couple of posts help...

RE: Table fields

RE: Putting Sheet Set Manager to use

Have a good one, Mike

2006-04-24, 10:29 PM
Thanks for trying. I guess I wasn't specific enough to what I needed. I'll just keep trying else wheres...

2006-04-25, 05:15 PM
I think you're looking for a 'reference manual'. As far as I can tell, they don't make those anymore. For anything. (I wish you the best of luck, and hope you will post back here if you succeed in your search)