View Full Version : Creating 3d Iso of a floor plan

2006-04-24, 10:57 PM
Hey ya'll,

I was wondering if someone could tell me how to create a 3d iso of a floor plan. I am working on a custom home (we just started this one) and I want to show a 3d of the garage/basement , 1st floor, and then 2nd floor. I saw it once and not sure who it was and how it was created.

Thanks in advance!

2006-04-24, 11:34 PM
· Create a 3d view, set it to the orientation you want.

· Turn on section box.

· Crop the section box to create the view of the model you want.

· Duplicate the view

· Adjust the section box around the next part.

Or another way....

Place each of the levels on its own workset.
Produce 3D views of each level with other workset levels turned off.
Place each view separately on a drawing sheet, sliding the view up a fixed distance.( you can measure this on the sheet if you wish )
Draw dashed linework on the sheet to show the connection relationship.
The lowest level name could be changed to “Exploded Axon” or you could use a “dummy” view title.

2006-04-24, 11:34 PM
Are you talking about a top-view (camera) perspective or a cut-away?

2006-04-25, 02:39 AM
Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear enough. I know how to create a 3d iso, just not of specific levels.

Thanks BeeGee - you hit it on the head with the last part of your post. Now I can get it done.

Again thanks!