View Full Version : There is a problem with the Interior Elevation Tags

2006-04-25, 01:46 AM
There is a problem with Interior Elevation Tags when placing them into a room. I place this annotation and it automatically selects to the closest wall. I then highlight this annotation and check-mark the other three elevations I need (say for bathroom elevations). Only the triangle of the fist wall it was associated with is black. The other three triangles are gray. New elevations ARE created for each marked, but when printing only the black triangle and it's associated text label shows up. The other triangles that show up gray on the screen do not print nor does their label (ie: "Elevation 1b").

Are there other Interior Elevation annotations I could use in the mean time? We need to send a client some interior sheets...and this annotation isn't printing correctly!


2006-04-25, 03:00 AM
are they all on sheets? I've never seen what you are describing, thats only a guess.

2006-04-25, 04:17 AM
Not that I have a solution, but I have experienced a grey triangle, however they always plotted black...

Sorry, no solution, just a little sympathy.

2006-04-25, 04:46 AM
Only the triangle of the fist wall it was associated with is black. The other three triangles are gray.
I've noticed this issue occasionally before as well, though it always seems to go away on its own... have you tried saving the file, closing down, rebooting, auditing the file, review warnings, etc.? I know that doesn't help much...

2006-04-25, 12:08 PM
This has been going on for a while (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=3681). Still don't know why...

2006-04-25, 03:47 PM
Very strange. In saving the file to post, then getting out of it and re-opening it...the gray triangles are now black. Same with our other file...once we re-opened it, the tags work correctly.
By the way, the "delete and control-Z" technique works too.

2006-04-25, 05:24 PM

While the development staff at the factory reads these posts and makes notes the best way to make sure these types of things get into the "Official Revit Bugs and Issues Database" is to post them via the product support. This not only gets it on the list, but serves as a voting mechanism for like items.

This is not to say that you should not post to AUGI as someone out there may have had the same of similar experience and can help you right away.

- JB

(Mods, I am going to "cross post" this message to Revit General, please don't shoot me ;) )


2006-04-25, 06:14 PM
I usually post to AUGI, then start a support request with reference to my thread.