View Full Version : Door Schedule question

2006-04-25, 02:27 PM
Can you filter doors by tagged or not tagged on the schedule? This is my situation, I am working on a apartment building with different suites, and I am showing all the suites on the floor plan but I don't want to tag the doors in the suites, I have a blow up plan for that. On the schedule it shows all the doors and I know I can get around it by giving differnt tags to all the doors and then filtering them out, but I dont want to have to rename all the doors in the project. Hopefully that made sense.

Thanks, Aaron

Andre Baros
2006-04-25, 02:39 PM
If you don't want to see them on the schedule, you can add a hidden "yes/no" parameter and filter by that. Filter then hide. You would still need to go down the list and check the doors you want.

If you don't want to see the doors on the plans themselves you would have to create two worksets, one for each group of doors and turn them on or off there. You may also be able to this with the new filter feature in 9.0 but I havn't played with that yet.

2006-04-25, 03:13 PM
If you don't want to see them on the schedule, you can add a hidden "yes/no" parameter and filter by that. Filter then hide. You would still need to go down the list and check the doors you want.

If you don't want to see the doors on the plans themselves you would have to create two worksets, one for each group of doors and turn them on or off there. You may also be able to this with the new filter feature in 9.0 but I havn't played with that yet.

Am I supposed to add this parameter in the door tag family? If so, I do not see a catagory for that. I am just not sure how to add that specific parameter. If its a family, maybe you could upload it here.

Thanks, Aaron

2006-04-25, 05:32 PM
OK I figured it out. I have to add a parameter in the Schedule. Then filter that.

Andre Baros
2006-04-25, 05:40 PM
You could open up each door family and add it to each door as a shared parameter (the doors not the tags), which would be the best way if this is going to come up on a lot of projects. If this is isolated to only a few projects then you can go to the schedule and add a parameter there which applies to all the doors in that project. The tags only report the properties which are part of the door, they don't have any properties themselves.

See the attached image, use 1: if you're adding a shared parameter to each indivitual family. use 2: if you're just adding a parameter to the current project.

Tom Dorner
2006-04-25, 05:58 PM
Another methodology could be employed to accomplish this task as well.

You could for instance establish a door mark (numbering) scheme that you could filter on. If the Unit number is 221 for instance the unit entry door could be numbered 221 and all other doors inside of that unit could get numbers of U221-1, U221-2 etc. You could then filter your door schedule by 'mark' where mark does not begin with 'U'

There are a number of other filter operators that could be used on any of the stock door parameters. It is all a matter of looking at the situation and finding a logical database filter that will get you what you need.