View Full Version : Question about temporary dimensions

2006-04-25, 07:23 PM
Is there a trick to get them to show from the correct locations more consistently? I have them set to show from face of core to face of core, yet more times than not they are showing from the wall centerline. This is very annoying when you are trying to achieve a certain dimension and at first it looks like its in the correct spot but when you zoom in you can clearly see that it's snapping to the wall center.

Any suggestions?

2006-04-25, 07:33 PM
Dear C;
You can change what the temporary dimensions are initially grabbing by going to Settings>Temporary Dimensions and choosing Centerlines of wall, core, faces of core, etc.
I hope this is what you were looking for.
Best regards,
Teresa Martin
Ideate Inc
Application Specialist

2006-04-25, 07:46 PM
Yup, thanks for the reply but I've already done that and the temp dims still in a lot of cases are snapping to the wall centerlines........ I'm trying to lay out a perimeter wall and keep the edges of slab at even dimensions, I'd like to be able to slap some walls down in the general shape I want the building and then use the temp dims to fine tune it. But the problem is when I click the walls to do this, a lot of times the temp dims are snapping to the wall centerlines instead of the core faces (which I have the temp dims set to)....... Frustrating to say the least....... I end up have to draw detail lines as references to get the edges of slab where I need them. (This is what I used to have to do in ACAD, boy do I wish the temp dims would work like they are supposed to.....)

2006-04-25, 08:26 PM
Do you know that clicking on square control on dimension witness line will cause it to cycle through faces, centerline references?

2006-04-25, 08:29 PM
yup, know that also, must be just a quirk with my own installation if no one else has seen the probelm.........thanks for your help though..

I just wish that when you choose faces of core in the settings, that the temp dims would actually snap to the faces of core like they are supposed to without you having to cycle through the ref locations to get it to the correct face.....

2006-09-14, 06:16 AM
yup, know that also, must be just a quirk with my own installation if no one else has seen the probelm.........thanks for your help though..

I just wish that when you choose faces of core in the settings, that the temp dims would actually snap to the faces of core like they are supposed to without you having to cycle through the ref locations to get it to the correct face.....

I'm just new to Revit, and thought it was just me doing something wrong. But I'm seeing this consistently; I have face of core set for temporary dims, but when I select a wall, usually the selected wall has the temp dim on a core face, but the other end of the dim is usually (mostly) on the centreline.
Then clicking on the blue square doesn't even cycle to the exterior core face, only the centre, inner core face, and the outer face of cladding.