View Full Version : Why is plumbing disapearing

Alek Sutulov
2003-06-03, 12:24 AM
I have 2 types of bath tubs in my project. One inserts without problem and Undo pulldown shows only one action, "component", after insertion. When inserting 2nd tub, it seems to get inserted but then disapears. Undo action recorder shows 2 actions, "modify element attributes" and "component". If it makes any difference 2nd tub is wall based and 1st one isn't.
Any clues guys


2003-06-03, 12:31 AM
Could it be that the second tub is of some other object type that you have changed the visibility settings not to display?

Just a thought.


Alek Sutulov
2003-06-03, 12:35 AM
No, this is the first time I attempted to insert it. The same thing is happening with a toilet that hase been used in the project already.

Alek Sutulov
2003-06-03, 12:51 AM
Wierd, disapearance is happening on the 3rd floor but on others, everything is normal. View range setting is identical for all plans. However, I can see inserted objects if I set cut plan offset to zero, but floor area is gray as if the cut is thru floor structure.

2003-06-03, 01:15 AM

You have probably already checked phases.
I had something like that happen when different views were set to different phases. That wouldn't explain why the plumbing does appear when you cut near the floor level though.
Hmmmm, does sound strange.


Alek Sutulov
2003-06-03, 02:01 AM
It's indeed wierd. Now everything shows up. All I did was changing view depth to different values several times to see what will happen and then bringing them back to original values.
There must be some instability with this build because my linked Autocad survey plan in this project also keeps changing it's position and scale factor from time to time although I haven't been working in the site view for weeks.