View Full Version : wall joins (again) help?

tom mars
2006-04-25, 08:51 PM
Hi all this is the second try... help would be very appreciated

with the new version there is a change in the OVERRIDE HOST LAYERS, so i thought this would solve my problem , but nope.

we can now choose function OR no edge. clearly default it should be BOTH of these

What i do not understand is WHO ON EARTH NEEDS THIS???

in my world a material should have an associated line weight (concrete=wide e.g.)
but o.k. we have a line weight for functions (core/thermal/finish) see the utter right image

i have concrete bearing walls between appartments and an exterior wall that is partly cut by the concrete wall because of fire rating etc.

i have tried everything ( i could think of , that is):
-cut geometry , works only on parallel walls
-made a wall type with two functions but same material in it , with geometry like i need it but the line weights make i unusable, since the insulation now is defined CORE.

am i missing something???

I just dont understand how you deal with this, the only solution i found is cutting
the exterior wall in pieces and disallow join, which is a lot of work.

Wes Macaulay
2006-04-26, 03:07 PM
If I understand what you want, this is quite easy.

Disallow join on the end of the concrete wall. Then drag the end to the location desired. Use the join geometry tool and pick the concrete wall first, then the exterior wall.

Does that do the trick?

tom mars
2006-04-26, 05:02 PM
thanks for answering,wes and lev

i was losing my faith in revit usability about this.*huge sigh of relief*

to wes:
cut geometry just doesnt work with perpendicular walls it seems

lev lepkin sent me a private message however with the same procedure but
with JOIN GEOMETRY. and then it worked.
This means that all my revit work isnt wasted after all.

but my comment to OVERRIDE HOST LAYERS remains:

when using the by function option, walls with the same pattern AND function
show an edge where it should not be , see attached image.
thats why i dont understand the exclusive nature of this option and the NO EDGE option.

Wes Macaulay
2006-04-26, 05:09 PM
Heh - not enough coffee evidently. My post should have read JOIN geometry. That should work!