View Full Version : non-rectangular view cropping

2006-04-26, 12:46 AM
Is there a way to crop a view into non-rectanular shape?

I am trying to setup enlarged unit plans for a residential tower, and want to crop the view to the exact shape of the unit. I suppose I could use opaque white filled-regions to "mask" areas of the plan, but that seems like a round-about way to do it.

2006-04-26, 12:56 AM
Are you trying to get the "view port" on your printing page to just print to the extents of the plan and nothing out of that, such as the elevation symbols? could you be a bit more specific?

2006-04-26, 01:11 AM
I would like to crop the view of the model in my floor plan view. I want the crop-region tool to make a non-rectangular shape. For example, if I am making an enlarged plan of the corner unit in my tower, I want to be able to crop the elevator core out of the view, but still be able to place notes, dimensions and tags in this area. Basically, I want to do what the xclip command does in Autocad where you can crop using a polyline.

2006-04-26, 01:28 AM
A Plan Region whose View Range settings are adjusted so the Cut Plane, Bottom and View Depth are under the entire project will hide what you don't want to see.

2006-04-26, 01:37 AM
The only thing i can think to do ( if I'm understanding correctly) is to use the plan region tool in modify, trace around the line of your building and set the view depth to only show what you want. but first make a copy of the plan view you want and set all of the numbers in its view range to zero. you still may have to turn off some things, depending on what it is you want to see. Its a bit sketchy but it doesn't hurt to try.

2006-04-26, 03:46 PM
steve and aaron, thanks for the suggestions. I will give the plan region a try.