View Full Version : Plan Regions and Area Plans

2006-04-26, 01:57 AM
Are there easy solutions to create an area plan (or even a color fill using rooms) without compromising the plan regions? Area plans are a godsend in early schematic and we use them for all sorts of things - in the early phases, we might have 3-4 for stacking options, another for preliminary BOMA calculations, another to check occupancy and exiting. However, the floors cannot display in any view with a color fill. But without the floors, the plan regions do not work correctly.

The attached image is a Plaza Level that overlooks the Upper Mezzanine (not exactly the design but the "real" problem is too complicated to explain in a screen shot). In the top image, the plan region is perfect - we see the parking stalls below through the "hole" in the Plaza slab. The lower image is the area plan wherein I cannot display the floors without losing the color fill. But without displaying the floors, any objects below that are anywhere within the plan region (in this case, parking stalls) are visible in their entirety. So our area plan looks incorrect.

Short of a bunch of filled regions to hide things and a lots extra work in lots of views and complicated work-arounds, does anyone have the magic answer? How are all of you addressing this issue? Affects atrium designs so I cannot imagine I am the first.

2006-04-26, 12:04 PM
Not sure if this will accomplish what you are after, but would duplicating the view, and then on a sheet place one view in one state on top of the other view in the other state do the trick?