View Full Version : ctrl+c & ctrl+v not working

2006-04-26, 02:04 AM
Suddenly, function: CTRL+C & CTRL+V do not work on my Acad 2005.
even I tried:
Options>User Preferences Tab>Windows Standard Behavior>Check both
boxes, then APPLY and OK but still didn't work.

My computer Windows XP SP2 + AutoCad 2005

Please HELP!!!

2006-04-26, 06:38 AM

Maybe the following couple of threads will offer some help...

Ctrl+C Not Copyclip'ing

Right-Click doesn't work

Have a good one, Mike

2006-04-26, 06:58 AM
Hi Mike,

Thanks for the post.
While I was waiting for the solution. I did somethings which I couldn't remember what.
But It worked OK now.


2006-04-26, 07:36 AM
In addition to the suggestions in the threads that Mike pointed out, I have also found that this sometimes happens when my clipboard is full - usually after copy / pasting a lot of info in an MS product such as Word.

If this is the case, then a manual clean out of your clipboard is required.