View Full Version : Shared Parameter files

2006-04-26, 01:46 PM
I have made several changes in my computer network over the past few weeks and loaded Revit on a different computer. Now when I am making changes or creating new families Revit can't find the shared parameter file I was using in the past. It is still on the old computer. Does anyone have any ideas how I can find the parameter file? Is there a standard name Revit uses for these files and a defined folder where it would be stored? What extension would I search for?

Thanks for the help!

2006-04-26, 02:51 PM
Does anyone have any ideas how I can find the parameter file? Is there a standard name Revit uses for these files and a defined folder where it would be stored? What extension would I search for?
Not sure about you specific setup (local or network?) but it's a TXT file. Try a search for Shared Parameters.txt.

2006-04-26, 03:33 PM
I found it!
