View Full Version : R9 Area Rage...

2006-04-26, 06:00 PM

What the heck happened to the areas in R9?! I am trying to do some sellable calcs on a condo and the lines break in half when I trim and move them - very weird... Also its completing lines for me when you select an area tag - this causes me to loose certain areas where there is a bottleneck (say between a column and an exterior wall).

2006-04-26, 06:09 PM
Here are some images of what it's doing....

Steve Jager
2006-04-26, 08:28 PM
I remember during the beta one of the Factory folks said when you get below a certain dim. relative to a wall or column and the sapce is small the area color will not fill in. It does however, still give you the correct room area. It kinda suck s though when you see it and you have to take the word for it.

I know you can't see the steering wheel now but just wait, it shows up when you need to make a turn. Cool Huh?

2006-04-26, 11:57 PM
So are you saying that this is a new improvement in 9?

If I move one of the cutouts I made for a column away from a wall with a boundary it reveals that its padding my number +/- 1 sq ft. Due to the size and project type my sf MUST be dead on!

+/- 5 sf per unit per floor is unacceptable - this project is close to 1 million sq ft.

2006-04-27, 12:19 AM
I typicall do not let Revit automatically place area lines for this reason, it usually acts screwy in various places. I usually draw area boundary lines myself, or use the pick tool and turn off the Use Area Rules check box, and draw the lines according to the BOMA/ANSI (I think) standards for rentable/usable/gross areas.

2006-04-27, 03:07 AM
I usually draw area boundary lines myself, or use the pick tool and turn off the Use Area Rules check box...Gosh, I wish it would remember that setting between uses.

2006-04-27, 04:04 AM
So are you saying that this is a new improvement in 9?

If I move one of the cutouts I made for a column away from a wall with a boundary it reveals that its padding my number +/- 1 sq ft. Due to the size and project type my sf MUST be dead on!

+/- 5 sf per unit per floor is unacceptable - this project is close to 1 million sq ft.What are your Project Units set to and what is the tag's units set to?

2006-04-27, 04:01 PM
I typicall do not let Revit automatically place area lines for this reason, it usually acts screwy in various places. I usually draw area boundary lines myself, or use the pick tool and turn off the Use Area Rules check box, and draw the lines according to the BOMA/ANSI (I think) standards for rentable/usable/gross areas.

this is exactly how I did these lines....

2006-04-27, 04:20 PM
What are your Project Units set to and what is the tag's units set to?

It hasn't made a difference when I switched decimal places etc. in the actual project units. How do I verify the properties of the tag? I dont see the setting in the properties for it....

2006-04-27, 04:45 PM
I opened up my archive model on R8 and everything is kosher....

2006-04-28, 04:55 PM
Does anybody have a way to create new area types?
You get 6 out of the box and in a multi use project I need more types....

2006-04-28, 10:09 PM
In 9.0 room and area boundary detection was switched to more robust algorithm with the goal of no more missed detections of bounded rooms or areas. As side affect code extended use of gap patching to narrow channels which would not fit reasonable human (up to 6-12").

I can see problems in cases posted here and apologize for the trouble. We are looking on possibilities to improve handling for cases of columns near the walls and similar cases in the future releases.

If you do need exact value including such narrow channels just move area lines around such columns away from the walls.

Again sorry for trouble.