View Full Version : Guide to using this Forum

2003-06-03, 02:52 AM
Welcome to the "Known Issues & Work-Arounds" Forum at AUGI

Note: VERY IMPORTANT To resolve any problem you encounter with Revit, you should contact Revit Support via:

CALL: Your Autodesk Reseller support
EMAIL: Via the Subscription Center (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=123112&id=613372)
Within Revit: Help menu > Create Support Request

With this in mind:
This forum is intended to collect the issues that we all have encountered and importantly, resolved either by an acknowledged product defect or work-around.

Only post issues that have reached "resolution" with Revit Support.

Issues that are not yet resolved, or you are seeking advice for, belong in the GENERAL forum (or another perhaps) until they reach "resolution".

It is very important to be accurate with your description of the issue and the "facts" that qualify the issue as an acknowledged defect and the appropriate work-around if any. To poorly explain the issue can potentially create more problems for others than it can help resolve and spread mis-information very quickly, and we all want to avoid that.

If you find yourself sharing this sort of information in another forum to help a fellow Reviteer out...please remember to post it here too or, better yet, post it here and direct them to the post here.

A couple definitions:

Acknowledged Defect: Revit support directly told you the problem you reported is a defect.

Resolution: Revit support directly told you one or more of the following:
A- Problem you reported is a defect
B- How to work-around the issue
C- Helped you better understand how to correctly use Revit.

We've asked that you only report issues that have reached resolution with Revit support. The goal is to make sure a reader can know with confidence the issue is acknowledged and will be dealt with in the future and hopefully how to navigate around the issue until it is.

That's it!!